How to Pick the Right Life Insurance Broker

So…. life insurance.  Nowadays you can easily get life insurance online if need be, but I think that a life insurance broker can help solve a lot of problems if your situation is a bit more complex! I know what you’re thinking right now, and yes, I agree – thinking about death is very depressing […]

Living on a Budget and ENJOYING It!

If you have stumbled upon this article than I am guessing that you are either living on a budget and NOT enjoying it or you’re not living on a budget and hoping to get there at some point, likely very soon, in your life. Good news is that regardless of what made you click on […]

Investing Tools for Parents: Family HSA, 529, and more…

Andrew and Dave recently went in depth on a Family HSA in their recent podcast episode so I thought it was no better time to get a little bit more in the weeds on some great investing tools for parents! So, you’re a parent or about to become one, or maybe already are – congrats!  […]

AAA – Do You Get Enough Bang for Your Buck?

Have you ever heard of AAA?  Back when I was a kid, my parents had AAA (pronounced triple A) and I absolutely loved the service, but as an adult, I find myself now wondering is AAA worth it? They would always include us on their plan when we first started driving and I honestly used […]

The Best Car for Uber When Accounting for Expenses and Other Features

So, you’re like one of the 900,000 people (literally) that have decided to drive for Uber, so how do you know what the best car for uber is?  Well, that’s an easy answer – find the car with the best gas mileage, right?  Well, I don’t disagree with the thought process, but being a frequent […]

Important HSA Rollover Rules: How to Utilize them Efficiently

Have you found yourself in a situation where you might need to rollover your HSA?  If so, no worries!  There are a few HSA rollover rules that you need to keep in mind but they’re all very easy to follow as long as you take the time to understand them. If you’re like me and […]

Comparing Compound Interest from Paying Student Loans vs Investing

If you listened to the most recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast with Andrew and Dave, then you heard them both GO IN on their opinions of whether you should take any extra money at the end of the month and pay off student loans or if you should invest that money.  Personally, […]

How the HSA and its Wonderful Triple Tax Advantage Builds Wealth

If you don’t know what an HSA is then you have come to the right place.  HSA stands for a Health Savings Account, but in all actuality, it is so much more.  If you’re anything like how I was about 6 months ago, then you might know what an HSA is, but you likely have […]

What’s the Tax Rate on my Bonus if I Invest it in the Stock Market?

So, you’ve just received a big bonus at work and you’re wondering what you should be doing with it, any quite frankly, you’re worried about losing a lot of it due to such a high bonus tax rate.  First off, CONGRATS!  A bonus is a big deal.  It means you’re getting your stuff done and […]

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