Stock Repurchases: How They Work and Their Effect on Earnings

Updated 3/6/2024 In today’s market, share repurchases are the choice that most public companies use to return value to their shareholders. Investing giants such as Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon applaud these efforts. Warren has commented multiple times in his Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders on his fondness for share repurchases, also known as buybacks. […]

Examples of Big Stock Market Fears that Never Played Out

In a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, Andrew and Dave talk about some various stock market fears in an episode that is titled, ‘Investors Don’t Know Anything (About the Future).”  I mean, isn’t that just a hilarious and truthful title? The truth is that none of us know anything about what is […]

A Few Reasons why Investing in eSports Could Result in Massive Gains

Have you ever considered investing in eSports?  If not, you could really be missing out on some major potential gains. In a recent Investing for Beginners Podcast episode, Andrew and Dave had a special guest on, Braden Dennis, and they talked about four tips for beginning investors.  When they were talking about these tips, the […]

Simple Excel Dividend Calculator for Metrics like Yield and Payout Ratio

Dividend Calculator.  End of Post. Kidding!  But, if you’re an investing nerd like I am, then the words dividend and calculator both, independently, get me irrationally excited…so when I combine the two…I might start to salivate a little bit. Ok – you’re probably a little freaked out right now, but if you are truly an […]

The Real Benefits of Share Buybacks as Explained by Warren Buffett

In Section 5, Part B of the book, “The Essays of Warren Buffett”, Buffett talks about how they support sensible stock repurchases but not greenmail.  This is a very short section, but there are some very tangible share buyback benefits if the shares are bought back responsibly instead of bought back in a greenmail sort […]

Investable Themes for 2020 Stocks and ETFs

So, 2020 is finally upon us!  First of all, congrats to everyone for making it through another decade and hopefully you’re a decade closer to meeting all your financial goals.  With that being said, now is as good of a time as ever to plan for the future with some investable themes for 2020 stocks […]

Here’s the Optimal Dividend Policy According to Warren Buffett

As I continue to read (and fall in love with) The Essays of Warren Buffett I can’t help but urge you to buy this book on your own.  I love giving these short chapter summaries, and today I’m going to focus on Dividend Policy, but I think it’s well worth the ~$30 to buy it […]

Investing in Biotechnology Companies: Pros and Cons

Andrew and Dave recently talked about investing in Biotechnology Companies on their podcast and it was by far, one of my favorite episodes that they have ever done, and I can say that for multiple reasons: Biotechnology Companies are the hot thing right now.  Think that toy in Jingle all the Way that Arnold Schwarzenegger […]

A List of Today’s No Fee Brokers (2019) – What They Mean for Investors

Recently, many different stock brokerage firms have become no fee brokers compared to previously charging anywhere between $5 – $7 on average per transaction.  Andrew and Dave recently talked about this in an episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast and they really outlined a potential way that this could impact the average investor.  This […]

Systematic vs. Nonsystematic Risk

Systematic and nonsystematic risks are pervasive concepts in the CFA curriculum and understanding them is critical to portfolio management concepts. The take away from this article should be that while certain risks are unavoidable, others can be diversified away through proper portfolio diversification. Below is a quick summary for reference before we get into the […]

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