The Basics of Wall Street Explained – Is it a Place for Good?

Updated 4/15/2024 So, you’re looking to start investing, but first, you want to know the basics of Wall Street. What is it? Why does it exist? Is it a place for good? Key Takeaways In this post, I’m going to answer the following questions: What is Wall Street? Wall Street is a physical location in […]

7 Insightful Keynes Quotes about Economics and the Stock Market

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who really changed the thought process on macroeconomics over time, and as you might expect with any great mind, there are always going to be some great quotes to live by, so let’s checkout these 7 insightful Keynes Quotes! But first – who is John Maynard Keynes? Keynes […]

Why is Cash Flow Important? It’s Not What You Think!

As I am writing this article, it’s the middle of August 2020 and COVID is in full force in the US.  The question of ‘why is cash flow important?’ might seem pretty obvious, but I am here to tell you that it’s not as obvious as you might think! The obvious answer is because cash […]

Where to Put Your Money? Large Cap vs. Small Cap Stocks!

Where to Put Your Money? Large Cap vs. Small Cap Stocks! I love listening/watching CNBC whenever I have free time, solely for the entertainment factor, and it feels like every sentence they’re saying something about “large cap tech” running up the S&P.  I started thinking more about this and I wondered – should I be […]

Utilize This Free Dividend Payout Calculator to Maximize Your Returns!

Dividend stocks are something that intrigues so many people yet so many people have no idea what to even look for when they’re evaluating those companies.  Personally, I think that the payout ratio is one of the most important ratios to consider, but do you know how to properly use it?  If not, don’t fear, […]

Dividend Aristocrats are OVERRATED! Check Out This Dividend Kings List!

Chances are that you have heard of Dividend Aristocrats before and chances are that you have been told that they are the bees’ knees.  Well, maybe they are, but if you want to know what the bees’ brain, arms, legs and feet are, check out this Dividend Kings List! First off, what even are Dividend […]

Fundamental and Technical Stock Price Analysis: How to Analyze a Stock

Updated: 6/9/22 There are many facets to analyzing a stock. You can do well by selecting a great business, or by buying a stock and selling it at a higher price. A simple stock price analysis can tell you if a stock is cheap and likely to trade back to where it should be (higher) […]

Tracking Insider Trading through Online Filings (and if it means a Buy)

Insider trading?  Isn’t that a bad thing?  Well, turns out that it’s not always a bad thing and that tracking insider trading can actually lead to some great buying opportunities! This is a topic that stemmed from a listener question that Andrew and Dave addressed on the podcast and I think it would be good […]

Markowitz Portfolio Theory Explained: What Creates Higher Returns

It’s been a hot debate in finance for decades. Can you make higher returns from the stock market with lower risk? Academic Harry Markowitz was one of the first with a theory to say “no”. Markowitz’s portfolio theory essentially concludes that beating the market requires taking more risk, and this risk eventually becomes quantified by […]

The Big Guide to Little Dividends

Dividends are one of the best ways companies can return value to shareholders. Share buybacks have become all the rage in the investing world, pushing dividends to the back burner. But this underappreciated method of investing creates wealth over time like no other with the power of compounding. I thought with this post; I would […]

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