Should Investors ‘Buy the Rumor, Sell the News’?

Have you ever heard the saying “buy the rumor, sell the news?”  I hadn’t heard it before until Dave said it on an episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, but the more that I thought about it, it seems like that’s the exact philosophy that so many people seem to have nowadays. If you […]

What Investors Can Learn from a Possible Amazon Stock Split

Amazon stock split?  What the heck.  “Hey, I have some AMZN stock, don’t split mine in half!”  Was that you just now?  If so, take a deep breath, it’s going to be OK.  That’s not what we mean when we say stock split! Let’s first start off by saying what a stock split even is… […]

What makes a Good Income Stock, and Are They Better than Growth Stocks?

An income stock is appealing to investors thinking about retirement because they can provide a consistent stream of income and are seen as more safe investments. But, not every income stock is built the same. Some income stocks end up being much better investments than others, and how investors can determine the difference often depends […]

Guide: How to Evaluate a Stock Using Price Based Metrics

Updated – 12/14/23 Learning how to evaluate the price of a stock means determining if the price is right, or not. The reason this is important, is because you could buy a stock with the best business in the world but still get a terrible return on your investment if you pay too much. It’s […]

Index Funds vs. Stocks: We Need to Talk About Investor Behavior

Today’s investor has a lot of options for investing money. Index funds vs. stocks vs. bonds vs. alternative currencies. The list goes on. With lots of research confirming the superiority of stocks over dividends for the very long term, many investors are approaching the stock market but in very different ways. Many books, experts, and […]

Robinhood DRIP Problems and What Dividend Investors Should Do

One of the drawbacks to investing with Robinhood for the dividend investor is that they currently (as of Sept 2018) don’t offer automatic DRIP with their positions. A Robinhood DRIP would be a fantastic feature for users– especially considering that many of the investors who use their platform are beginners. There are many benefits to […]

Uncovering My #1 Favorite Stock Strategy and Buying Your First Stock

Updated – 12/6/23 Today, I want to help you overcome the biggest hurdle beginning investors face: buying your first stock. Buying just 1 share of your favorite company when buying your first stock is like taking your first baby steps into the market. I can’t stress enough how important buying your first stock is, as […]

Comparing the Bull and Bear Market

In a nutshell, a bull is seen as someone who is optimistic and believes that stocks will rally. This is a bullish outlook. On the contrary, a bear is an investor who is pessimistic and believes stocks will decline in value. They are said to have a bearish outlook. [This is a guest contribution from […]

Index vs. Individual Stocks

The general consensus among many professionals in the financial world is that index funds are superior to individual stock picking. I have a contrarian opinion about the whole matter, one that is hotly contested and often adamantly opposed. However, it’s an approach that works for me. And it’s one that I’ve put a lot of […]

Penny Stock Investing: 5 Rules

It’s time to finally write about the infamous topic of penny stock investing. Chances are, you’ve heard or seen them peddled before. Scammers and fraudsters seem to be attracted to the topic like white on rice. Penny stocks have a somewhat bad rep. But here’s what I think. Penny stock investing draws a wide lure […]

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