The 3 Main Types of Securities, and Their Returns Over Time

Updated 4/28/2023 “Never depend on a single income; make an investment to create a second source.” Warren Buffett Many know that investing remains one of the best ways to grow our wealth, but do we know what investment vehicles we have available? Everyone is familiar with stocks, some are familiar with bonds, and most are […]

Is Investment Management A Good Career Path? Exploring Investing Jobs

If you’re thinking about a career in finance and you enjoy working with people, you may find the investment niche quite attractive. Plus, with the right skills, it’s easy to find the job enjoyable and satisfactory in terms of rewards and perks. But what career path should you take if you want to work as […]

Be Aware of Liquidity Risk as an Investor

Liquidity Risk is an important concept that continuously pops its ugly head up from time to time. It occurs when a party has urgency or an obligation to discharge an asset and it affects the market price for that asset by trying to sell it too quickly. Sometimes obligations cannot be met fully (even at […]

Bond Valuation Overview (With Formulas and Examples)

Updated 6/4/2024 “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin As investors learn more about their investments, we become better investors. One of the many things I enjoy about investing is the continual learning and the endless subjects to learn. In that vein, learning to value a bond is high on my list […]

The Role of Underwriting of Shares When a Company Goes Public

Underwriting is a process that essentially involves a company or group of people that are willing to take on a certain amount of risk in exchange for compensation or a service. You likely are familiar with underwriting in the insurance industry, but it is also very common in investing with the underwriting of shares. Essentially, […]

How Bonds Are Rated – Your In-Depth Guide to Understanding Credit Risk

Updated 6/7/2023 Have you ever tried to buy a car or home? If you have, you have gone through having your credit checked, which is not always a fun process. When companies borrow or lend money to raise funds, they go through the same process known as bond ratings. Many investors have heard the term […]

More than Just Shark Tank Investors Can Partake in an Equity Raise!

For any business, the art of raising capital is an extremely important aspect task to stay afloat, at many different times of the business. One of the most common ways that you will see business do this is with an equity raise. What exactly does equity raise even mean? Equity raise, or equity financing, is […]

The 5 Types of Mergers and Acquisitions and Its Impact on Your Investments

Have you ever had a stock jump massively after there was a merger and acquisition announced?  Or, maybe the opposite happened and the share price dropped significantly.  Either of these can happen for many reasons, so I think it’s fitting for us to take a deep dive into the various types or mergers and acquisitions! […]

The Pros and Cons of Redeemable Preferred Stock

I recently wrote a post about the pros and cons of preferred equity, but did you know that there are actually is a type of preferred equity that the company can decide to pay you off for your shares?  Let me tell you all about redeemable preferred stock! First off, if you’re unfamiliar with preferred […]

IPO Basics: Explaining IPOs in Simple Terms, With Examples

Companies in the U.S. have generated more than $70 billion in IPOs thus far in 2020. All of which outdistances the total for 2019, is the busiest since 2014, and the second biggest haul since 2000. IPOs are all the rage on Wall Street, with anticipated IPOs from some of the bigger names in tech […]

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