Defensive Investors: Rules from the Classic Book, The Intelligent Investor

Updated 4/21/2023 In the 14th chapter of Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham outlines his seven criteria for defensive investors. The Intelligent Investor, considered by many as the must-read book on investing, discusses value investing ideas. Graham outlines his ideas regarding finding undervalued or out-of-favor stocks and buying them with a margin of safety in the book. […]

Which Investing Strategy is Better – Value vs. Growth Stocks!

I feel like anytime I listen to an investing podcast or turn on CNBC, everyone is talking about how insane the market has been right now. It seems like now more than ever, in the crazy year of 2020, people are talking about this epic battle of value vs. growth stocks. While this debate does […]

IFB183: Investing in the 40s, Bond Allocation, Early Roth Withdrawals

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners Podcast. In today’s show we discuss a few diferent topics: How to invest in 40s, with an aggressive mindset Asset allocation and Bonds How Roth IRAs work and options for early withdrawals Having dry powder for special circumstances For more insight like this into investing and stock selection for […]

From the Vault: Why It’s Hard to Invest in a Bear Market

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast, today’s episode is from the vault as Andrew are enjoying some time with our family this week. Although we are nowhere near a bear market, the ideas and processes are great to be aware of because it will happen again, someday. And begin prepared for that eventuality is […]

Held for Trading HFT/AFS Securities – Company Investment Portfolios [Guide]

Updated 3/30/2023 Ever wonder why Warren Buffett buys all those stocks and what the goal is behind them? Also, why does he mention valuing Berkshire Hathaway on its earnings is not the best method? Much of that stems from his investment portfolio and how the portfolio is treated based on gains and losses in the […]

Penny Stock Daytrading with Timothy Sykes

Penny stock daytrading’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent months, and the amount of retail investors, people like us investing in the markets, has jumped exponentially. In today’s episode we talk with Timothy Sykes, one of the foremost experts in the penny stock daytrading area. He talks about: Working with a plan Daytrading without a plan […]

Pros and Cons: Held to Maturity (HTM) Securities on Companies’ Balance Sheets

Updated 3/30/2023 Did you know the majority of financial assets for most companies comprise marketable securities? Did you also know companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Berkshire Hathaway hold over 25% of their assets as marketable securities? It’s true; you can look it up. Or you can read the rest of this post and […]

Types of For Sale Securities and Their Accounting Treatment (AFS/HTM/HFT)

Have you wondered what all those assets on an insurance company’s balance sheet were? Or why do companies carry such a large balance of marketable securities? Did you know that Microsoft owns over $120 billion in short-term investments: over 70% of its current assets, and over 39% of its total assets? That is a large […]

Core-Satellite Portfolio Strategy: Adding Stability and Alpha to Your Portfolio

The core-satellite approach to building an investment portfolio can help reduce portfolio risk while still giving investors an opportunity to outperform the market. The core-satellite strategy also has benefits in terms of low-costs due to trading commissions, passive investing, and capital gain tax deferrals. My personal investment portfolio follows a core-satellite approach so that if […]

Series I Bond Guide: How to Buy One and What Returns to Expect

Updated 3/24/2023 Today’s historically low interest rates drive many investors to search for better returns than banks offer today. Many of us looking for safe investments turn to our banks, but with rates low for savings accounts and CD (certified deposits), where will we turn? Savings bonds from the Treasury might offer a solution, particularly […]

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