Ready, Set, GO RETIRE!

Preparing for retirement can seem like a daunting task, but the earlier you start, the more buffer that you provide to yourself.  On your mark, get set – GO RETIRE!   Does this sound like you? Age: 18-25 Married: Matter? Yep, but not for retirement Kids: Matter? Absolutely, but again, not for retirement Employed? Ok, kinda […]

There are Several 401k Alternatives Available to You

Are you stressed about your company not offering a 401K retirement plan? Don’t worry, there are tons of 401k alternatives for you to choose from. There are many phases we go through as humans. The first thing we all think about is getting our driver’s license. Then it moves on to moving out of our […]

Struggling to Save? Start with These 4 Simple Auto-Investments

Updated 4/1/2024 One of the most challenging steps to becoming financially independent is getting that little snowball moving downhill by creating a gap between your income and spending. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to go on to the fun part – investing! And by far, the best way to keep up the momentum with […]

Is it Time to Retire? Find Out with This Saving Money Chart!

Updated 6/4/2024 Have you ever used a saving money chart? Personally, I love them because I can sit there and look at people of different ages and compare myself to them, but there’s one major issue—they’re all awful! Key Takeaways So, what types of things are we actually going to learn today? The Fallacies of […]

Are You Tax Efficient Investing? If Not, You’re Losing Tons of Money!

One thing that I often see among newer investors is that they’re extremely inefficient in their investing process. They’ll have absolutely zero tax strategy and it costs them a ton of money in the end. If this is you, don’t worry – you’re going to leave this post with some great tax efficient investing strategies […]

How to Stop Being Broke by Increasing Your Personal Cash Flow!

If I gave you three seconds to answer the question of, “what is your personal cash flow?”, could you answer? If you’re not able to immediately say “yes” then we might have an issue.  Do you find yourself asking a clarifying question on what exactly I might mean?  Do you just flat out not even […]

If You Forget These Personal Budget Categories, Your Budget WILL FAIL!

The easiest way to fail on your personal budget is to not plan.  That’s it – that’s how to fail.  Or, maybe you plan but your plan fails you.  To have an effective plan it all starts at the same point – making sure you have the correct personal budget categories included from the get-go. […]

Which is Better – SPY or an Equal Weight S&P 500 ETF?

Lately there has been a lot of talk about ETF investing and how flawed some of the strategies can be, so I really wanted to take a little bit of a deep dive to see if this was true or not. The biggest issue I hear is that so many S&P 500 ETFs are weighted […]

Ready to Start Investing? Start with These Investment Company Names!

In today’s world, it can seem very overwhelming to find the perfect brokerage company to begin your investing journey with. Not only am I going to give you a comprehensive look of the many investment company names that you have to choose from, but I will rank them based on my experience and 3rd party […]

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