Can You Get Rich Only by Sector Investing?

I feel like the debate of sector investing is one that has lasted ages and so many people have different opinions on the practicality of it. Truthfully, I think that investing in a particular sector that is primed for a rebound makes a ton of sense, but there’s also some risk involved. For the most […]

Looking for New Investments? Beware of Biased Sell Side Research!

When it comes to the sale and purchase of different securities, there really are two sides – sell side and buy side. The sell side really is something that I think is imperative for an investor to understand because it’s effectively what we’re doing when adding new positions to our portfolio. So, the question is […]

What’s the Best Way to Invest in New Companies? SPAC vs. IPO

Having the Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, is literally one of the worst things that an investor can have, but it’s so easy to do! If you turn on CNBC, you’ll regularly hear about the next company that you can invest in and if you’re like me, you’re going to get super hyped up […]

I’m Getting a New Job – Will I Lose My 401K from my Previous Employer?

Changing jobs can be a scary thing. It’s hard to leave what you know for the potential opportunity, and downside, of the unknown of changing companies. Chances are that if you’re looking it’s because you’re unhappy with some aspect of your current situation and are willing to take the gamble, but I have good news […]

What is ARPU and How Does it Affect My Investments?

ARPU is a term that a lot of companies use nowadays to try to breakdown some of their financial reporting ratios on a per user basis, for the simplicity of comparisons. ARPU stands for Average Revenue Per User, which companies can use to try and find the true Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer. A […]

Take Control of Your Own Destiny with This 401K Employer Match Calculator!

Every now and then I will have someone tell me that they’re choosing to forego their 401K employer match because of something else like paying off debt, a vacation, or some other inadequate reason. I wrote a post recently on the biggest 401K mistakes you can make, and I included not maxing out your match, […]

Wall Street Bear – Friend or Foe?!

One of the most dangerous things in the investing world is dealing with a Wall Street Bear. If you’re like me and a total CNBC addict, then chances are you’re going to hear all different sorts of opinions, but seriously – the Wall Street Bear is the worst! Investopedia says that, “A bear is an […]

S&P500 Investing: You Must Know the Difference Between SPX and SPY!

Post updated: 9/07/2023 It’s easy for people that have been investing for awhile to say something like, “just put your money into the stock market”. Well…duh. That’s easier said than done, but that’s why I am here to explain difference between SPX and SPY. Unfortunately, for someone starting out brand new, this is not clear […]

What’s the Best Way to Protect Your Investments? Stop Loss vs. Stop Limit

Sometimes investing in the stock market can feel a little bit, “frothy”, per se, and when that occurs it’s nice to have something to fall back on. Every time I turn on CNBC or listen to a podcast, people are always talking about how overvalued the market is and it’s quite honestly terrifying. If you’re […]

How to Evaluate Lifetime Value (LTV) with SaaS Companies

One of the most important metrics for a Software as a Service (SaaS) company is their lifetime value (LTV). This is such an important metric because the concept of Software as a Service is great in theory, but you’re banking on those customers to continually come back and keep renewing their service. So, how do […]

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