What are the Best Types of IRA for My Retirement Goals?

Updated 3/26/2024 When I first started investing, trying to understand all of the lingo and complicated methods was simply overwhelming. Many of us have likely heard of retirement accounts, but chances are, we have no idea what they do or why they’re there. That’s the exact reason why I want to dive into Individual Retirement […]

99 Mind Blowing Money Facts [2022]

It’s just money…why do people get so up in arms about it? Well, you’re about to get 101 reasons why with these mind-blowing money facts! 1 – Average 401k balance by age: 2 – Less than 17% of high schoolers took a semester of personal finance 3 – 2 less states conducted personal finance than […]

75 Motivational Quotes about Saving Money and Investing Effectively

Updated 8/25/2023 Personal finance is something that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Let’s be honest – it’s hard to find motivation when you’re first getting started! Let’s keep you on the right track with these 75 motivational, investing and saving money quotes! Multiply Your Money Through Investing 1 – “An investment in […]

10 Healthy & Cheap Dinner Ideas Under $3/Plate!

One of the most frustrating things ever when looking for cheap dinner ideas is that people so clearly sacrifice the quality of their ingredients. Look, I get it – you’re trying to come up with ways to eat for cheap and if that’s what you have to do, it’s what you have to do. But […]

Want to Beat the Stock Market? Let’s Get Those Momentum Funds at Work!

Updated 1/22/2024 If you ask me, one of the biggest secrets to investors is the way that ETFs can be used to their benefit to increase their gains. Not only the normal ETFs that come to mind like SPY and VOO, but also some others like MTUM that track the MSCI USA Momentum Index. So […]

VOO vs. SPY – Which One Will Make You More MONEY?

One of the most common things that you will ever hear in the investing world is people using S&P 500 returns as a benchmark or basis for investing and even financial planning. Ok…that sounds great, but how exactly can you simply invest in the S&P 500? Well, it actually is as easy as finding an […]

Struggling to Save? Start with These 4 Simple Auto-Investments

Updated 4/1/2024 One of the most challenging steps to becoming financially independent is getting that little snowball moving downhill by creating a gap between your income and spending. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to go on to the fun part – investing! And by far, the best way to keep up the momentum with […]

Is it Time to Retire? Find Out with This Saving Money Chart!

Updated 6/4/2024 Have you ever used a saving money chart? Personally, I love them because I can sit there and look at people of different ages and compare myself to them, but there’s one major issue—they’re all awful! Key Takeaways So, what types of things are we actually going to learn today? The Fallacies of […]

Should I Own Exxon Solely for the XOM Dividend?

Updated 5/23/2024 If you’re a dividend lover like we are at Investing for Beginners, chances are you’ve at least glanced at the XOM dividend before. I certainly have, given its impressive track record, but does that alone make it enticing enough to invest in the company solely for the dividend? If you’re brand new to […]

How Much Should I Have Saved by 30? It’s Less Than You Think!

Updated 3/27/2024 If you’re wondering, “How much should I have saved by 30?” then let me tell you this—you’re not alone. It’s scary how little reliable information there is about setting savings goals. Between the lack of discussion in family and school and extreme online financial gurus, it can feel overwhelming. I just turned 31 […]

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