What’s the Best Way to Invest in New Companies? SPAC vs. IPO

Having the Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, is literally one of the worst things that an investor can have, but it’s so easy to do! If you turn on CNBC, you’ll regularly hear about the next company that you can invest in and if you’re like me, you’re going to get super hyped up […]

What’s the Best Way to Protect Your Investments? Stop Loss vs. Stop Limit

Sometimes investing in the stock market can feel a little bit, “frothy”, per se, and when that occurs it’s nice to have something to fall back on. Every time I turn on CNBC or listen to a podcast, people are always talking about how overvalued the market is and it’s quite honestly terrifying. If you’re […]

The Growth/Value Barbell Portfolio Explained: Pros and Cons

As the growth stocks vs value stocks debate rages on, and value investing undergoes an almost two decade run of underperformance to growth, a new type of stock strategy has gained popularity: the barbell portfolio strategy. The barbell portfolio strategy is a simple concept; a balanced portfolio containing both growth and value stocks. Like a […]

Which Investing Strategy is Better – Value vs. Growth Stocks!

I feel like anytime I listen to an investing podcast or turn on CNBC, everyone is talking about how insane the market has been right now. It seems like now more than ever, in the crazy year of 2020, people are talking about this epic battle of value vs. growth stocks. While this debate does […]

Core-Satellite Portfolio Strategy: Adding Stability and Alpha to Your Portfolio

The core-satellite approach to building an investment portfolio can help reduce portfolio risk while still giving investors an opportunity to outperform the market. The core-satellite strategy also has benefits in terms of low-costs due to trading commissions, passive investing, and capital gain tax deferrals. My personal investment portfolio follows a core-satellite approach so that if […]

3x ETFs – High Risk, High Reward

Recently I read an article in one of my favorite unbiased news publications, the Wall Street Journal, and they talked about triple leveraged ETF and why it was a horrible investment.  Until that time, I had never even heard of these 3x ETFs so it made me curious to learn more about them! First off, […]

Safe, Massive Dividend– Why Preferred Equity Stocks Might Be for You!

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll find yourself watching Shark Tank and wondering what certain terms mean that the sharks are using.  Personally, one of the very first terms that I didn’t understand years ago when watching the show, was preferred equity, or preferred stock. I mean, personally, I think I always prefer stock…and […]

How Tactical Asset Allocation Works – (With Example Portfolios)

Asset allocation is arguably more important than which stocks you pick. For most investors, focusing on your asset allocation is a lot more important than choosing between Microsoft and Facebook. Asset allocation is a key area to focus on and get right, and it is an area where many investors hinder their returns. There are […]

Investing With Margin – Is it Risky or Genius?

I recently had a friend start investing with margin and not going to lie, he has had some freaking awesome results with it!  The thought of investing with margin was something that was always terrifying to be but it really made me question this belief.  So, the question is – should we all be investing […]

VHDYX is “Closed to New Investors” – What Do You Do Now?

As you know, Andrew, Dave and I are major dividend lovers!  We all think that dividend paying companies are one of the best ways to reap the rewards of compound interest, but what if you don’t want to invest directly in stocks?  Can you still reap the rewards with an ETF like VHDYX? The reason […]

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