Why the Financially Literate Can’t Build Wealth: 5 Major Reasons

Updated 1/17/2024 Understanding finance basics doesn’t mean you’ll instantly begin building wealth. There are still several attributes that can lead you to fall short of your financial goals. Personally, the best way for me to learn is with specific guidelines and a plan of action.  I know that not everybody learns best this way, but […]

Don’t Work for Money and You’ll Become Rich, says Rich Dad

One of the most important lessons that Robert Kiyosaki teaches in his best-selling book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, he tells us how important it is that we don’t work for money.  If you’re like me, this instantly seems contradictory, but the more that I read the book and heard the lesson over and over, I […]

The Surprising Disadvantages of a Savings Account (A Secret of the Rich)

A lot of people will think that the best place for their money to be is in a savings account, but that’s just not accurate, and quite frankly, it actually makes me very sad.  In the most recent chapter that I’ve read in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, […]

How to Identify a Cash Flow Pattern of an Asset (from Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

As I continue to read through Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I must say that it’s becoming one of my favorite books and admittedly a book that I read much earlier in my investing and finance journey.  In this chapter, Robert Kiyosaki focuses on explaining the differences between assets and liabilities and the true cash flow […]

Why Do Financial Gurus Love Short Term Life Insurance?

First and foremost, I am very proud of you for taking the step to look at Life Insurance, but if you’re getting just started, you’re probably at a complete loss for where you should even start.  I know that I was, but I settled on short term life insurance for myself to set my family […]

Millennials: Is Pet Life Insurance a Good Investment?

As you know, I am a huge advocate for life insurance for a human but should you get life insurance for your pets too?  People seem more willing than ever to shell out whatever amount of money is necessary on their pets nowadays and some are even going to lengths of pet health and pet […]

Comparing Past Annuity Rates to Interest Rates… Good Investment?

If you have been investing for some time then you have likely heard of annuities, and even more likely is that you have likely heard someone else’s opinion about them, either good or bad.  Well, my friends – I am here to take a deeper dive into annuity rates to try to determine if they’re […]

How to Pick the Right Life Insurance Broker

So…. life insurance.  Nowadays you can easily get life insurance online if need be, but I think that a life insurance broker can help solve a lot of problems if your situation is a bit more complex! I know what you’re thinking right now, and yes, I agree – thinking about death is very depressing […]

Investing Tools for Parents: Family HSA, 529, and more…

Andrew and Dave recently went in depth on a Family HSA in their recent podcast episode so I thought it was no better time to get a little bit more in the weeds on some great investing tools for parents! So, you’re a parent or about to become one, or maybe already are – congrats!  […]

AAA – Do You Get Enough Bang for Your Buck?

Have you ever heard of AAA?  Back when I was a kid, my parents had AAA (pronounced triple A) and I absolutely loved the service, but as an adult, I find myself now wondering is AAA worth it? They would always include us on their plan when we first started driving and I honestly used […]

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