10 Reasons Why Compounding Interest is the 8th Wonder of the World

The words compounding interest are two of the most powerful in the investing world. Today, I’m going to show you 10 reasons why. Albert Einstein called compounding interest: “the most powerful force in the universe.” Albert Einstein Billionaire Warren Buffett confessed, “My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, […]

Retiring at 55? 9 Tangible Steps to Turn that Goal Into a Reality!

Are you pumped for this blog post? I hope so! I know that I am extremely pumped to write it and show you all about my plan for retiring at 55…or maybe even earlier! If you’re like most people and you want to instantly skip to the bottom the bottom of my post to find […]

Considering an Early Pension Withdrawal? Watch Out for These Pitfalls!

I am fortunate enough that my 8-5 job offers me a pension, something that is very unique to companies nowadays, but not super uncommon in the oil industry that I work in. Last year, I had a good friend leave the company and he was debating about using a pension withdrawal to fund a down […]

Curious What the Average 401k Match Is? I Bet You’ll Be Surprised!

One of the biggest mistakes that I oftentimes will see people make is that they will not take full advantage of their 401k match. Honestly, I think that this mistake can have many, many years of potential repercussions, but it makes me wonder – what actually is the average 401k match? Before we get too […]

Optimize Your Retirement With This Roth vs. Traditional 401k Calculator!

To many people, the terms “Roth” and “Traditional” only apply to their IRA, but I am here to tell you that this is not the case. In fact, you can invest the same way but in your 401k! But the almighty question is always, “which one?” Well, that’s why I created this Roth vs. Traditional […]

“I Don’t Get It – Why is Investing Important?”

So many people will ask me “why is investing important” and at the end of the day, it really boils down to one thing – a lack of financial literacy, or as we like to call it, The Language of Money. What do we mean when we say, “the language of money?” Well, it’s simple, […]

7 Simple Tips to Avoid Lifestyle Creep

Have you ever found yourself being a victim to lifestyle creep? It might seem like a ridiculous thing but it’s most definitely not. Fortunately for you, I have been through the ringer on this and am prepared to share some tips and tricks to prevent it from happening to you! Lifestyle creep is also sometimes […]

I’m Getting a New Job – Will I Lose My 401K from my Previous Employer?

Changing jobs can be a scary thing. It’s hard to leave what you know for the potential opportunity, and downside, of the unknown of changing companies. Chances are that if you’re looking it’s because you’re unhappy with some aspect of your current situation and are willing to take the gamble, but I have good news […]

Take Control of Your Own Destiny with This 401K Employer Match Calculator!

Every now and then I will have someone tell me that they’re choosing to forego their 401K employer match because of something else like paying off debt, a vacation, or some other inadequate reason. I wrote a post recently on the biggest 401K mistakes you can make, and I included not maxing out your match, […]

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