Mortgage Refinancing Analysis – Easy Template Included!

With interest rates at historically low levels across the U.S. and much of the globe, now might be a great time for homeowners to refinance their mortgage and benefit from lower rates! While the penalty fees to break your mortgage early can seem astronomical at first, the interest savings over the remaining term of the […]

The Ultimate Guide to an Effective Family Finance Meeting

Do me a favor and before you read anything further, go use the bathroom. Get yourself a drink. Eat a snack. Get ready, because this post about hosting an effective family finance meeting is legitimately one of the most lifechanging things that I think you can do for both yourself and your family. If you’re […]

5 Tangible Steps for You to Increase Income to the MAX!

As you likely know, there are really two different ways for anyone to save money – you either have to cut your expenses of increase your income, and I’m ready to go in depth with ways to increase your income! Of course, there are other ways like winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, or robbing […]

Which is Better – Active vs. Passive Income

If you could only choose one, would you choose active or passive income?  I mean, they’re both good because you’re making money, but I’m here to preview this incredible battle of Active vs. Passive Income! The last time that I did a heavyweight matchup like this I was comparing short vs. long-term investing and boy, […]

This 401k Match Calculator Shows How Powerful Compound Interest Can Be

There’s various compound interest calculators out there, but not many specific 401k match calculators that are easily manipulable to show how different contributions and employers matches can compound. We present an Excel version, or you can simply place your own inputs on the page (scroll to the bottom)! Earlier this week, I made a Compound […]

Apps? Excel? NO – I need a PRINTABLE Budget Planner!

Let’s be real – Mint is a great app for budgeting but does it actually help you budget?  Personally, I got way more from being forced to track my expenses, so that’s why I want to share my printable budget planner! Are you the type of person that hates anything that has to do with […]

6 Must-Follow Wealth Creation Steps to so You Can Retire Early

Do you find yourself in a situation where you’re having no issues living within your means, but you’re really not just getting close to financial freedom as quickly as you might want to?  Knowing what to do to generate wealth creation isn’t easy – at all – but that’s why I’m here to help you […]

Hey Andy – Does HSA Roll Over My Savings from Year to Year?

Recently I was having a conversation with a friend and they told me that they didn’t use an HSA because they didn’t want to lose their money at the end of the year.  It then immediately became clear that many people need to learn more about the HSA because honestly, I think it’s the best […]

17 Financial Freedom Quotes to Change Your Life

Personal Finance always begins with knowledge/learning, but even if you know what to do, it is so easy to fall off the bandwagon!  You have to keep going, even when things get tough, and I think that the best way to do this is to take a look at some Financial Freedom Quotes to change […]

Avoid the Calories and Dollars with These Healthy Meal Plans on a Budget

Not going to lie – I have been super excited to write this blog post for quite some time so if at any point you notice that I am screaming then I AM SORRY!  Sorry.  I just get super passionate about eating healthy and showing people how they can save money, so why not combine […]

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