Dividend Theory: For Big Tech, Dividends are a Moral Imperative

The theory of dividends has long been disputed. As interest rates have declined, dividends have become less attractive. As growth stocks have reigned supreme, dividends have taken the backseat. In today’s fast, high, and big tech world, we need to reconsider dividend theory. Shareholders need to push companies, like the big 4 tech companies, to […]

What are the Stock Market Sectors? – Global Industry Classification Standards

One of the most common ways investors think about a company and analyze their portfolio diversification is by sector. There are 11 main sectors used by the S&P and MSCI in their popular Global Industry Classification Standards (GICS), which was started in 1999 to offer investors a standardized way to segment the market. From these […]

Quantitative Analysis Explained: Absolute vs Relative Valuation

Quantitative analysis for stocks means finding the value (or “valuation”) of a stock using numbers. There are two main quantitative valuation methods for stocks—relative and absolute. Both relative and absolute valuation metrics use numbers only. This makes them purely a quantitative type of analysis. Both have already been defined, so we don’t have to reinvent […]

Quotes about Inflation from Famous Investors – What We Can Learn

The most successful investors in the stock market probably know a thing or two about inflation. Of the many great quotes about inflation from these investors, perhaps no single quote sums it up better than this one from Charlie Munger: “I remember the $0.05 hamburger and a $0.40-per-hour minimum wage, so I’ve seen a tremendous […]

“There is Always a Bull Market Somewhere.” Or is there?

Brand new investors might look at a rising stock market and all-time highs as a potential indicator that stocks are expensive. However, new investors should consider the quote I heard from the popular Jim Cramer when I first started investing—that “there is always a bull market somewhere”. If there’s always a bull market somewhere, then […]

How to Find High Quality Dividend Stocks that Are “Simply Safe”

My name is Brian Bollinger, and I am the founder of Simply Safe Dividends, a website that helps individual investors responsibly build and manage their dividend portfolios. Prior to starting Simply Safe Dividends, I worked as an equity research analyst at a multibillion-dollar investment firm that actively managed several equity funds. I am also a […]

Assessing The Capital Allocation Skills of Management

Updated 9/15/2023 Capital allocation is job number one for any management team. The problem is that most CEOs lack this skill, intending to build long-term value for both shareholders and the company. Warren Buffett talks about finding management teams he trusts and acting in the best interests of shareholders, and part of that is the […]

Nervous for Inflation? Use a Gold ETF as a Hedge

Updated 6/24/2024 Over the past few years, the US has experienced record-breaking inflation. This has affected people in every way financially from home loans to rising grocery prices. One potential way to combat this is by investing in precious metals, such as gold.  So, what would be the best Gold ETF to invest in?  Let’s […]

Do you Trade Volatile Penny Stocks?

A common pitfall that I often see new investors fall into is that they get sucked into the “get rich quick” mantra that they think comes with the stock market.  Unfortunately, they think that this means that they have to invest in volatile penny stocks because of the high risk, high reward that comes with […]

Dividend Reinvestment Plan Example — When Total Return Multiplies

The compounding from dividends can be an incredible force. I have a dividend stock I’ve held and reinvested dividends in for over 5 years. I feel this stock is a great dividend reinvestment plan example especially to show how it literally multiples your total return. A dividend reinvestment plan, or DRIP, is one where any […]

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