The Market Is Crashing! Am I In Danger of a Margin Call Watch?

Recently I wrote an article about investing with margin and honestly, when I was done with all of my research and writing, I actually convinced myself to open a margin account.  While some of the math and numbers behind it certainly can be enticing, the potential for a margin call watch to be placed on […]

Looking to Invest in Emerging Markets? Start with the MSCI World ETF (ACWI)!

If you’re coming here from my blog post about Global Equities Momentum to learn more about a MSCI World ETF, welcome!  If not, I highly recommend checking it out so you understand how the proper utilization of this ETF is so incredibly important! Basically, Global Equities Momentum (GEM) relies on the utilization of three different […]

Time to Settle the Debate – Are We In An ETF Bubble?

One thing that I have heard many times before is that we are in an ETF bubble.  Personally, I kinda see both sides of the coin on this topic, but I know that it’s something that we should really think about it when we’re investing. First off, what is an ETF?  Per Wikipedia, it is […]

Expanding Your Circle of Competence by Investing in Cloud Stocks

Pre-2020, cloud stocks were never anything that I really even looked at investing in.  The numbers just absolutely never made any sense to me but we have just seen some massive returns in 2020 and it’s made me think – is now the time to invest in cloud stocks? Like I mentioned, the math just […]

I Know Micro Cap Stocks are Risky, but do They Generate Massive Returns?

“Micro Cap stocks?  I thought it was only large cap and small cap!” Nope.  You’re wrong. Remember how I used a comparison of Brock Lesnar and Connor McGregor for a depiction of large cap stocks vs. small caps?  Well, micro cap stocks are those stocks that are smaller than small…think, like a fly…they’re so stinking […]

The Basics of Wall Street Explained – Is it a Place for Good?

Updated 4/15/2024 So, you’re looking to start investing, but first, you want to know the basics of Wall Street. What is it? Why does it exist? Is it a place for good? Key Takeaways In this post, I’m going to answer the following questions: What is Wall Street? Wall Street is a physical location in […]

Why is Cash Flow Important? It’s Not What You Think!

As I am writing this article, it’s the middle of August 2020 and COVID is in full force in the US.  The question of ‘why is cash flow important?’ might seem pretty obvious, but I am here to tell you that it’s not as obvious as you might think! The obvious answer is because cash […]

Where to Put Your Money? Large Cap vs. Small Cap Stocks!

Where to Put Your Money? Large Cap vs. Small Cap Stocks! I love listening/watching CNBC whenever I have free time, solely for the entertainment factor, and it feels like every sentence they’re saying something about “large cap tech” running up the S&P.  I started thinking more about this and I wondered – should I be […]

Fundamental and Technical Stock Price Analysis: How to Analyze a Stock

Updated: 6/9/22 There are many facets to analyzing a stock. You can do well by selecting a great business, or by buying a stock and selling it at a higher price. A simple stock price analysis can tell you if a stock is cheap and likely to trade back to where it should be (higher) […]

Tracking Insider Trading through Online Filings (and if it means a Buy)

Insider trading?  Isn’t that a bad thing?  Well, turns out that it’s not always a bad thing and that tracking insider trading can actually lead to some great buying opportunities! This is a topic that stemmed from a listener question that Andrew and Dave addressed on the podcast and I think it would be good […]

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