Don’t Think You Can’t Save Money Quickly With a Low Income?

Updated 1/15/2024 Have you been told that you can’t save money quickly with a low income?  Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?  Are you stressed that you will never find a job where you feel you’ll make enough money? I have some good news for you if you answered yes to any (or […]

The Keys to a Well-Diversified Portfolio

So, let’s say you have taken the first big step in your investing career, you have either started up your first trading account, or invested in your first rental property, or maybe you have even gotten into cryptocurrency.  That is fantastic, the hardest part of starting is getting everything set up and getting money into […]

Saas Companies: Simple and Powerful Business

Updated 11/9/2023 In 2021, analysts estimated the subscription as a service (SaaS) market size to be around $145.5 billion in the U.S. alone, with expectations to grow to $171.9 billion in 2022. The SaaS market expects to grow as more organizations adopt SaaS solutions for various business functions. Many of these solutions are some of […]

18 Essential Money Saving Tips for When You Are Broke

Facing reality when you are broke is the only way you will get out. Being broke can be temporary if you accept your situation and work really hard to break out of it. As someone who waited tables for 3 years after graduating with a master’s degree, I’ve had to live broke for a while. […]

What are the Stock Market Sectors? – Global Industry Classification Standards

One of the most common ways investors think about a company and analyze their portfolio diversification is by sector. There are 11 main sectors used by the S&P and MSCI in their popular Global Industry Classification Standards (GICS), which was started in 1999 to offer investors a standardized way to segment the market. From these […]

How to Stop Being Broke by Increasing Your Personal Cash Flow!

If I gave you three seconds to answer the question of, “what is your personal cash flow?”, could you answer? If you’re not able to immediately say “yes” then we might have an issue.  Do you find yourself asking a clarifying question on what exactly I might mean?  Do you just flat out not even […]

If You Forget These Personal Budget Categories, Your Budget WILL FAIL!

The easiest way to fail on your personal budget is to not plan.  That’s it – that’s how to fail.  Or, maybe you plan but your plan fails you.  To have an effective plan it all starts at the same point – making sure you have the correct personal budget categories included from the get-go. […]

Avoid a 20% Down Payment AND PMI with a Piggyback Loan!

Trying to scrape up the money needed to put money down on a house can be so incredibly hard, especially if you haven’t been planning for it that long or that it’s your first home.  One option that many people don’t consider, or at least don’t use, is a piggyback loan. I talked a little […]

Curious How Much Of Your Paycheck Should You Save? I Got You Covered!

One of the most controversial debates that occur in the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) community are ones that are based on your savings rate. People debate numbers and methods that are all over the board so I’m here to cut through the nonsense and answer the question once and for all – how much […]

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