Fundamental and Technical Stock Price Analysis: How to Analyze a Stock

Updated: 6/9/22 There are many facets to analyzing a stock. You can do well by selecting a great business, or by buying a stock and selling it at a higher price. A simple stock price analysis can tell you if a stock is cheap and likely to trade back to where it should be (higher) […]

Summary of the John Burr Williams Formula – The Basis of Intrinsic Value

What is the equation for value? Warren Buffett defined it in his 1992 annual shareholder letter. He referenced the formulas in the classic, The Theory of Investment Value by John Burr Williams. This post will present and explain this exact formula published by John Burr Williams and help modernize it in today’s terms. Nobody has […]

Is Crypto the Answer to U.S. Debt: A Beginner’s Guide to Currency

Bitcoin.  There, I bet I made you feel some type of way.  Maybe excited, triggered, happy, sad, something!  Bitcoin is a very common crypto and it made me wonder if crypto was the answer to U.S. debt – let’s take a look! Essentially, the thought process is that with the U.S. Debt continuing to increase […]

The Return on Capital Formula

“Businesses that earn a high return on capital are better than businesses that earn a low return on capital.” Joel Greenblatt In his seminal book “The Little Book that Beats the Market,” Joel Greenblatt laid out his now-famous “Magic Formula,” included in the formula is his version of return on capital. It is the formula […]

Your ‘How To’ Guide for Creating Generational Wealth for Your Family

Do you ever wish that you knew more about personal finance earlier in your life?  If not, you are in the minority, my friend.  So many people say that their biggest regret is that they didn’t start earlier, so I’m here to stop the trend.  Here’s my How-To Guide for creating generational wealth for your […]

How Coronavirus Stimulus Could Cause Deflation Rather Than Inflation

When money is pumped into the economy, like it is right now with stimulus checks, it is oftentimes a question of how it will impact the inflationary rate in the country.  But have you thought about stimulus deflation?  It seems backwards – I am here to show you that it’s not! When you’re in the […]

The History and Secrets of Babylon and its Money

If you’re finding yourself struggling with getting your mindset right and can’t seem to get motivated and focused on personal finance, you have come to the right place.  This chapter in ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’  really talks about the history of Babylon Money and how you can learn from the history to develop your […]

Ancient Principle: Attracting Good Fortune and Money Through Action

Are you the type of person that when something happens to you, you think of it as an end product of hard work, but when something bad happens, it’s nothing more than bad luck?  Well, that, my friends, is not a great mindset if you want to get ahead in your personal finance journey!  In […]

What the Data Tells Us About Momentum Stocks: Are They Good Buys?

As a new investor, it can be really easy to get caught up into defining what sort of investor are you – growth? Value? Momentum? It can be confusing and all it does is add stress to the new investor but don’t worry, I’m here to decode the BS and breakdown if momentum stocks are […]

7 Ways to Prioritize Saving with a Budget Calendar

Have you ever heard of a budget calendar? Personally, I use one nearly every single day of the week and it saves me a ton of time and money, as well as keeping me on track with my budget without physically having to go in and track my expenses every single day.  And not only […]

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