Simple Income Statement Structure Breakdown (by Each Component)

Updated 8/7/2023 The income statement is the first of the big three financial documents that all public companies must file. But what do we know about the income statement structure and how the statement flows from the top to the bottom? Have you ever heard the terms top-line or bottom-line? What do those terms mean? […]

Debt Financing Vs. Equity Financing: The Grudge Match

Updated 7/24/2023 CEOs have one job, to deploy company capital in a way that grows the company. To do this, they have a choice: use debt financing vs. equity financing. Whichever choice they choose goes a long way towards the continued profitability of their company. Ratios such as return on equity, capital, or invested capital […]

Balance Sheet Item: Book Value of Equity and Its Individual Components

Updated 6/24/2023 “Price is what you pay; value is what you get.” A company’s evaluation involves determining the value of its assets, liabilities, and equity. Most of us are familiar with assets such as accounts receivable and liabilities such as debt. But how many of us understand equity and how to determine the value of […]

Bruce Sherman’s Investment Strategy That Helped Him Beat the Market

From 1991 – 1995, Bruce Sherman achieved what some consider the holy grail of investing. Sherman beat the S&P 500 without taking on more volatility with the portfolio for Private Capital Management. Private Capital Management was ranked by Money Manager Review as the #1 value manager on a risk-adjusted basis over this 5-year period. The […]

Remembering Foster Friess, His Investment Strategy, and Net Worth

Foster Friess was the founder of The Brandywine Fund, a top performing mutual fund for decades. Friess was interviewed for the 1997 edition of Investment Gurus by Peter Tanous. In the book, it was revealed that in the 10 years since inception, The Brandywine Fund earned an average annualized return of 18.4% (by December 31, […]

Maintenance Capital Expenditures: The Easy Way to Calculate It (With Calculator)

Updated 4/21/2023 To continue our series on owner earnings, I thought we would do a deeper dive into maintenance capital expenditures or maintenance CapEx. When calculating owner earnings, most of the values are pretty straightforward. But maintenance capital expenditures require a little more digging to come up with a number that we can use for […]

What is Andrew Sather’s Stock Market PDF All About?

Updated 4/21/2023 When done correctly, stock investing can lead to long-term wealth. But how do we start? Starting to invest can be a scary, intimidating process at first.  The learning curve to understand the stock market and putting money at risk scares most beginners away. But investing remains one of the safest ways to build […]

Tax-Efficient Investing: Understanding After-Tax Returns with Calculator! (CFA Level 3)

Understanding the concept of pre-tax and after-tax investment income is an imperative part of the financial planning roadmap. It is the net after-tax return that adds to your retirement savings, so it is important to plan your long-term investment returns and financial plan based on these real after-tax dollars. This article will teach investors about […]

Handy Andy’s Lessons: Should I Use Savings to Pay Off Debt?

Not going to lie – times are pretty crazy right now, both globally and also in my own personal life! Sometimes when things get crazy, you can tend to lose track of your own personal strategic plan, and that can be disastrous! I mean, even I, Mr. Invest Everything at All Times, have considered if I […]

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