Nothing Kills Relative Momentum Like a Bunch of Bonds in Your Portfolio!

In these next few chapters of ‘Dual Momentum Investing’ by Gary Antonacci, we really start to key in on some of the fundamentals of momentum investing and why it works, specifically with a focus on Relative Momentum, and why bonds can absolutely ruin any potential gains that you’re seeking to gain.. I previously had talked […]

Fundamental and Technical Stock Price Analysis: How to Analyze a Stock

Updated: 6/9/22 There are many facets to analyzing a stock. You can do well by selecting a great business, or by buying a stock and selling it at a higher price. A simple stock price analysis can tell you if a stock is cheap and likely to trade back to where it should be (higher) […]

Debunking 9 of the Top Investing Myths That Beginners Believe

Updated – 11/3/23 Did you know that the #1 reason that people don’t invest is because they’re terrified that Handy Andy’s returns will make their returns look abysmal?  JK – that’s a myth…well, actually a lie.  But we do see some investors fall victim to other top investing myths. So let’s look at 9 myths […]

15 Years to Retirement – Stretch it to 20? Invest in the Stock Market?

On Episode 156 of the Investing for Beginners Podcast Andrew and Dave did another one of my favorite episodes of listener question and a great topic came up.  Someone had 15 years to retirement and they were wondering what if they should DRIP their investments or if they were too late to the party.  I […]

Value Shmalue – Welcome to Dual Momentum Investing! (Ch. Review)

Lately I’ve been taking a deep dive momentum stocks and I have going down a major momentum stock rabbit hole since then, so I figured, why not do my next book review on momentum stocks?  Well, sure enough, if you Google “best momentum investing books” then ‘Dual Momentum Investing’ comes up, so let’s go with […]

How to Save For Your Short-Term Financial Goals

We spend a lot of time talking about saving and investing for retirement but one topic that we don’t touch on much is the importance of saving for your short-term financial goals. Well, I’m here to show you how to do that and that the value of investing early will pay dividends for you in […]

Regular Savings Accounts are Trash! Say Hello to a High-Yield Account!

Have you ever heard some of the horror stories of regular savings accounts?  Maybe that was a bit harsh, but there is really nothing in the personal finance world, in my eyes, that is more deceitful! “Wow Andy – you followed it up with something that was even more harsh!”  Dang right I did.  But […]

A Look Through Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Dividend History

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) has been increasing their dividend for many, many years!  In fact, that have increased it for 57 consecutive years, and as they’re a member of the S&P 500, that also makes them one of the sacred Dividend Aristocrats that we talk about oh so often!  If you stay tuned, I’ll show […]

What Should I Do With My Employee Stock Options?

On a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, Andrew and Dave answered some pressing listener questions in what ALWAYS is my favorite episode type that they put out.  In this particular podcast episode, they talked about employee stock options, so why not drive in a bit deeper on the topic? If you’re unfamiliar, […]

IFB156: Q&A – Dripping Into Retirement, Lump Sum Investment After the Pandemic

Announcer (00:00): You’re tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast. Finally, step by step premium investment guidance for beginners led by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern. To decode industry jargon, silence crippling confusion, and help you overcome emotions by looking at the numbers, your path to financial freedom starts now. Dave (00:36): All right, […]

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