Looking to Invest in Emerging Markets? Start with the MSCI World ETF (ACWI)!

If you’re coming here from my blog post about Global Equities Momentum to learn more about a MSCI World ETF, welcome!  If not, I highly recommend checking it out so you understand how the proper utilization of this ETF is so incredibly important! Basically, Global Equities Momentum (GEM) relies on the utilization of three different […]

6 Must-Follow Wealth Creation Steps to so You Can Retire Early

Do you find yourself in a situation where you’re having no issues living within your means, but you’re really not just getting close to financial freedom as quickly as you might want to?  Knowing what to do to generate wealth creation isn’t easy – at all – but that’s why I’m here to help you […]

Time to Settle the Debate – Are We In An ETF Bubble?

One thing that I have heard many times before is that we are in an ETF bubble.  Personally, I kinda see both sides of the coin on this topic, but I know that it’s something that we should really think about it when we’re investing. First off, what is an ETF?  Per Wikipedia, it is […]

Hey Andy – Does HSA Roll Over My Savings from Year to Year?

Recently I was having a conversation with a friend and they told me that they didn’t use an HSA because they didn’t want to lose their money at the end of the year.  It then immediately became clear that many people need to learn more about the HSA because honestly, I think it’s the best […]

3 Simple Steps to Use Stock Market Analysis Tools to Find Great Companies

The most common question that I get from new investors is “how do I find stocks to invest in?”  Unfortunately, that’s not a simple question to answer, but with the help of these 3 simple steps, you can utilize some amazing stock market analysis tools to find great, undervalued companies. I really think that Investing […]

Seeking Alpha Authors You Can Trust in a Post COVID World

One of my favorite places to get investing information has always been Seeking Alpha, but I feel like more and more nowadays, people just are so focused on getting clicks that the actual quality of the information that is shared drops rapidly by the day!  I’m not saying Seeking Alpha is sacrificing quality, and quite […]

I’m Ready to Invest – How Do I Know What Stocks to Buy?

So, I’ve finally been able to sell you on the concept of how compound interest can literally change lives and now you’re wondering how to take advantage.  Knowing what stocks to buy is obviously the hardest question to answer but it’s something that I am prepared to help you with!  But first, there are a […]

17 Financial Freedom Quotes to Change Your Life

Personal Finance always begins with knowledge/learning, but even if you know what to do, it is so easy to fall off the bandwagon!  You have to keep going, even when things get tough, and I think that the best way to do this is to take a look at some Financial Freedom Quotes to change […]

Expanding Your Circle of Competence by Investing in Cloud Stocks

Pre-2020, cloud stocks were never anything that I really even looked at investing in.  The numbers just absolutely never made any sense to me but we have just seen some massive returns in 2020 and it’s made me think – is now the time to invest in cloud stocks? Like I mentioned, the math just […]

I Know Micro Cap Stocks are Risky, but do They Generate Massive Returns?

“Micro Cap stocks?  I thought it was only large cap and small cap!” Nope.  You’re wrong. Remember how I used a comparison of Brock Lesnar and Connor McGregor for a depiction of large cap stocks vs. small caps?  Well, micro cap stocks are those stocks that are smaller than small…think, like a fly…they’re so stinking […]

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