What Is a Sinking Fund? Only the BEST Way to Stay On Budget!

Updated 6/5/2024 I’m not lying—having a sinking fund is literally the best way to stay on budget. Sure, you could just make a billion dollars instead, but that’s not exactly a feasible path forward for most of us. So, what is a sinking fund? Click to jump to a section: Why Have a Sinking Fund? […]

Are You Tax Efficient Investing? If Not, You’re Losing Tons of Money!

One thing that I often see among newer investors is that they’re extremely inefficient in their investing process. They’ll have absolutely zero tax strategy and it costs them a ton of money in the end. If this is you, don’t worry – you’re going to leave this post with some great tax efficient investing strategies […]

How to Utilize an Every Dollar Budget to Reach Financial Independence!

Before you get too far into this blog post, I just want to let you know that you should buckle up because I am absolutely going to fanboy over this budgeting strategy. I have tried various budget programs and processes and I think that the Zero Based Budget process is second to none, except I […]

Does Tesla Pay Dividends?

Updated – 10/16/23 One question that I think is imperative that any investor knows the answer to is whether or not the company that they’re looking to invest in is going to pay them a dividend. This might seem like a basic question to some people, but I personally know some investors who don’t know […]

3 Essential Investing YouTube Channels For The Educated Investor

Have you ever googled for some good Investing YouTube Channels?  If not, you need to – but first, let me tell you which ones I prefer the most! When I first decided to start investing it was like I got hit in the face with this overwhelming excitement to learn about the stock market.  Once […]

A Big Rainy Day Fund = Getting Rich

Updated 3/27/2024 Some people refer to the term “Rainy Day Fund” as an emergency fund. Personally, that’s not at all how I view my rainy day fund, and I think there is a pretty significant difference between the two (which we’ll discuss later). Let’s discuss what a rainy day fund is, what an emergency fund […]

If You Forget These Personal Budget Categories, Your Budget WILL FAIL!

The easiest way to fail on your personal budget is to not plan.  That’s it – that’s how to fail.  Or, maybe you plan but your plan fails you.  To have an effective plan it all starts at the same point – making sure you have the correct personal budget categories included from the get-go. […]

How to Stop Being Broke by Increasing Your Personal Cash Flow!

If I gave you three seconds to answer the question of, “what is your personal cash flow?”, could you answer? If you’re not able to immediately say “yes” then we might have an issue.  Do you find yourself asking a clarifying question on what exactly I might mean?  Do you just flat out not even […]

Avoid a 20% Down Payment AND PMI with a Piggyback Loan!

Trying to scrape up the money needed to put money down on a house can be so incredibly hard, especially if you haven’t been planning for it that long or that it’s your first home.  One option that many people don’t consider, or at least don’t use, is a piggyback loan. I talked a little […]

Nervous for Inflation? Use a Gold ETF as a Hedge

Updated 6/24/2024 Over the past few years, the US has experienced record-breaking inflation. This has affected people in every way financially from home loans to rising grocery prices. One potential way to combat this is by investing in precious metals, such as gold.  So, what would be the best Gold ETF to invest in?  Let’s […]

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