Do you Trade Volatile Penny Stocks?

A common pitfall that I often see new investors fall into is that they get sucked into the “get rich quick” mantra that they think comes with the stock market.  Unfortunately, they think that this means that they have to invest in volatile penny stocks because of the high risk, high reward that comes with […]

Dividends Are Old and Boring. Why Does Apple Pay a Dividend?

Updated 10/16/23 One of my favorite stocks, and likely a favorite of many others, is Apple (AAPL).  Apple just seems to be a company that everyone loves, but something that many people don’t know is that if you own shares, you’re actually collecting a pretty steady Apple dividend every quarter.  Key Takeaways “But Andy, aren’t […]

Can a Company Really Have a Negative EPS?

At the end of the day, the goal for every company is to make money, and an incredibly popular metric to track this is known as Earnings per Share, or EPS, but is it possible for a company to have Negative EPS?  Key Takeaways • Earnings per Share, or EPS, is a popular investing metric […]

Reach FI Faster With The Seven BEST Compound Interest Investments!

If you’re familiar with personal finance then you likely understand compound interest, but do you actually know how to apply that knowledge into your FI journey? It’s hard to take book knowledge and turn it into street knowledge, so that’s why I am here to tell you the best compound interest investments! Before we get […]

Curious How Much Of Your Paycheck Should You Save? I Got You Covered!

One of the most controversial debates that occur in the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) community are ones that are based on your savings rate. People debate numbers and methods that are all over the board so I’m here to cut through the nonsense and answer the question once and for all – how much […]

You Will Fail Trying to Get Rich Quick. I Promise.

One of the biggest mistakes that I see with new investors is that they start off with a mindset that they can get rich quick.  Sure, you might get lucky and hit it big with a couple stocks, but that’s not going to make you get rich quick. The question that I ask is – […]

Stop Bleeding Money with Activity Based Budgeting!

Updated: 6/7/22 Many of you know me as Doctor Budget, which I absolutely love, but I personally think one of the most important things for a doctor to do is understand that not everything in life is a one-size-fits-all approach. That being said, one of the approaches that I use in Doctor Budget is with […]

5 Disadvantages of Credit Cards to Be Aware Of Prior to Opening One!

“Wait – Andy, are you telling me that there actually are disadvantages of credit cards?” Yes, I certainly am. I know that sounds facetious, and it mainly is, but everyone always talks about the advantages of credit cards, and that includes myself. I mean, there’s the obvious ways that you can make money with credit […]

3x ETF = 3x Gains? Evaluating the UPRO Stock Price History

I’ve found myself going down a bit of a rabbit hole lately with some of these leveraged ETFs and it’s really been taking up a lot of my time!  I thought, “Ok, Andy – just sit down and do the math yourself”, so that’s what I did – let’s take a look at the history […]

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