How to Reduce Transportation Costs With 5 Basic & Practical Tips

After food and shelter, transportation costs can be one of the most significant daily expenses for people. We usually need it to get to our jobs, so it can be hard to save on it. So let’s look at how to reduce transportation costs through 5 basic tips. Even one of these could be a […]

Saving on Gas for Your Car is Easy with These 2 Simple Tips!

With gas prices and inflation starting to get out of control in 2022, we could all use some simple tips for saving on gas with a car. You can start saving on gas today with these tips, easily. And you don’t even have to pluck down $30,000 on a new car to do it! The […]

10 Healthy & Cheap Dinner Ideas Under $3/Plate!

One of the most frustrating things ever when looking for cheap dinner ideas is that people so clearly sacrifice the quality of their ingredients. Look, I get it – you’re trying to come up with ways to eat for cheap and if that’s what you have to do, it’s what you have to do. But […]

What Are the Rules on your Income to Rent Ratio in Today’s World?

I remember being 16-years old and thinking that moving out from my parents’ house was going to be the best day of my life.  While the freedom was great, what I didn’t know at the time was how expensive it would be.  For almost any person nowadays, rent (or mortgage) is the biggest expense per […]

Useful Tricks to Form Good Money Habits into Natural Decisions

One thing is for certain, there are good money habits and there are bad. It seems like everyone has at least one bad habit (me included), but the key to a financially stable life is having more good money habits than bad ones. Good money habits are just like anything else in life. The more […]

Helpful Tips and Habits for When You Are Broke

Every single person has a different philosophy when it comes to saving or spending money.  Some people are penny pinchers and can save a ton of money quickly, while others spend it as soon as they get their hands-on money, no matter how much or how little they make. Saving habits are one topic, but […]

Don’t Think You Can’t Save Money Quickly With a Low Income?

Updated 1/15/2024 Have you been told that you can’t save money quickly with a low income?  Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?  Are you stressed that you will never find a job where you feel you’ll make enough money? I have some good news for you if you answered yes to any (or […]

Always Broke and Need More Money? Try These Simple Solutions

I don’t know about you, but one of the worst feelings in the world is thinking “I’m broke and need money”.  For some of us this may be an everyday feeling you have, trust me, I have been there, and most people at one point in their life have been there as well. The big […]

What Is a Sinking Fund? Only the BEST Way to Stay On Budget!

Updated 6/5/2024 I’m not lying—having a sinking fund is literally the best way to stay on budget. Sure, you could just make a billion dollars instead, but that’s not exactly a feasible path forward for most of us. So, what is a sinking fund? Click to jump to a section: Why Have a Sinking Fund? […]

18 Essential Money Saving Tips for When You Are Broke

Facing reality when you are broke is the only way you will get out. Being broke can be temporary if you accept your situation and work really hard to break out of it. As someone who waited tables for 3 years after graduating with a master’s degree, I’ve had to live broke for a while. […]

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