The Tyranny of Stock Market Bubbles: History Repeats Itself

As the saying goes, “history repeats itself.” Smart investors are willing to learn from the lessons of history’s mistakes. Other investors have lost money in stock market crashes, and we should strive to avoid this. Throughout the history of the stock market, there have been bubbles that have risen irrationally. Looking back even before the […]

Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Buy Market – A Tale of Order Types

It was the best of trades, it was the worst of trades (mostly worst). This is a cautionary tale of how an order type (buy market, buy limit, or buy stop) can change everything. This is a guest contribution by Matt McMahon. Matt is a beginner investor who believes in a hybrid portfolio of mostly […]

Is Crypto the Answer to U.S. Debt: A Beginner’s Guide to Currency

Bitcoin.  There, I bet I made you feel some type of way.  Maybe excited, triggered, happy, sad, something!  Bitcoin is a very common crypto and it made me wonder if crypto was the answer to U.S. debt – let’s take a look! Essentially, the thought process is that with the U.S. Debt continuing to increase […]

Hey Andy – What Happens When a Stock Splits?

Have you ever wondered what actually happens when a stock splits?  Chances are there are two groups of people reading this right now – 1 group is emphatically saying “Yes!” and the other group is saying, “What do you mean my stock can split?” Stock splits are definitely not an uncommon thing and in fact, […]

What are the Best Robinhood Alternatives for an Investor?

When I first started investing, I used Robinhood.  With $0 commissions on all trades it was hard for me to justify going with anyone else, but now that so many brokerage firms are offering trades without commissions and Robinhood keeps having issues, it’s time to explore some Robinhood alternatives! Like I mentioned, I was a […]

Does Good Earnings Guidance Lead to High Returns [Real-Life Case Studies]

If you’re addicted to checking your portfolio multiple times a day, and I personally don’t think that’s a bad thing as long as you have some ground rules in place, then I guarantee that you’re familiar with earnings guidance. Wikipedia defines earnings guidance as “publicly traded corporation’s official prediction of its own near-future profit or […]

The Effects of Inflation and Its Role on the Economy and Your Money

We’re living in super uncertain times right now and if you’re anything like me, you’re likely wondering about how all of this coronavirus and stimulus responses will not only impact the country, but also yourself specifically.  One very likely outcome is that we might see some serious inflation and if so, what really are the […]

How Coronavirus Stimulus Could Cause Deflation Rather Than Inflation

When money is pumped into the economy, like it is right now with stimulus checks, it is oftentimes a question of how it will impact the inflationary rate in the country.  But have you thought about stimulus deflation?  It seems backwards – I am here to show you that it’s not! When you’re in the […]

The History of Economic Prosperity in the United States

The United States has a very long history of economic prosperity and it seems like most of those strong times occur right after a very scary market downturn like the tech bubble, the housing market bubble and potentially the coronavirus!  But to be quite honest, talking about how great America is really makes me really […]

Common Indicators of Rising Interest Rates and Its Impact on the Economy

How can you tell when interest rates might rise and what the impact would be on our lives? You can use simple tools to answer questions and be ahead of the curve. Interest rates have an incredible impact on our lives, from our mortgages or student loans, investments, or what we pay for different goods […]

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