The History of Stock Market Volatility in the United States

I’m going to need you to buckle your seatbelts and get ready…this is going to be an extremely bumpy ride as I take you through the history of the major periods of stock market volatility that we have experienced in the last 100 years!  So, with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! […]

Economy 101: The Fed, Money Supply, Debt, Inflation, and Deflation

I am now a few years into my investing journey and while I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what sort of quantitative and qualitative data I should be looking for in a company, it dawned on me that I don’t have as good of a grasp of just high-level economic data […]

Market Bottom Indicators Based on Past Bear Markets

If you are a human, you’re likely wondering when the heck is, we going to get to the bottom of this bear market, and I don’t blame you, because every sane person should be wondering this.  Don’t worry – I’ve gone through the trouble fun of looking at some of the past bear markets to […]

Navigate the Federal Reserve Balance Sheet with This Simple Guide

Updated 4/4/2024 With the recent announcement that the Fed will increase its balance sheet by about $4 trillion, I thought it might be a good time to discuss the Fed’s balance sheet in depth. In our continuing series on exploring the Federal Reserve and its history, structure, and impact on the economy, today’s news is […]

How Fed Economic Stimulus Works and Its Effect on the Economy

The Central Bank of America is the Federal Reserve, responsible for deciding how much money is in the economy. To most people, that means that the Fed “prints” money, but that is not actually the case; only the Treasury “actually” prints money. The Fed’s actions have an incredible effect on the economic stimulus it is […]

The Structure of the Federal Reserve Explained in the Simplest Way

The Federal Reserve, or the Fed, is America’s central bank. One could argue that makes it the most important factor in the U.S. economy, maybe the world. And with all the chaos today in the markets and the world due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we must understand how the Fed is structured. It can be […]

How is the Nasdaq Calculated? – A Simple Guide

The NASDAQ, or the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, is a market index just like the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, but it is an index that is different in nature than both of those indices, so it really begs the question – how is the NASDAQ calculated? While the […]

The History of the Federal Reserve: Its Creation and Role during Tough Times

Is there a more controversial function in finance than the Federal Reserve Bank? From its beginnings, history, and purpose of a bank, there are tons of rumors and theories about what the Fed does and who controls the Fed. In today’s craziness surrounding the financial world, with the stock market in a frenzy from fears […]

Will the Coronavirus Go Down as the Worst Stock Market Crash, Ever?

In a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, Andrew and Dave talked about the coronavirus and the impact that it has been having on the market and it really sparked my interest and posed the question – will the coronavirus go down as the worst stock market crash, ever? I think that the […]

How Interest Rates and the Stock Market Are Intricately Intertwined

 “The most important item over time in valuation is obviously interest rates.” –Warren Buffett Quite a statement, and my thought is, how much do we understand interest rates and their effect on the stock market? In the chaos of the stock market today, with the extreme volatility we have been experiencing between the coronavirus concerns, […]

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