Do you Trade Volatile Penny Stocks?

A common pitfall that I often see new investors fall into is that they get sucked into the “get rich quick” mantra that they think comes with the stock market.  Unfortunately, they think that this means that they have to invest in volatile penny stocks because of the high risk, high reward that comes with […]

Dividend Reinvestment Plan Example — When Total Return Multiplies

The compounding from dividends can be an incredible force. I have a dividend stock I’ve held and reinvested dividends in for over 5 years. I feel this stock is a great dividend reinvestment plan example especially to show how it literally multiples your total return. A dividend reinvestment plan, or DRIP, is one where any […]

6 (Secret Sauce) Lessons From My First Stock – a 10 Bagger

Are you looking for the grand secret sauce to turn every stock pick into a 10 bagger (10x return), and are you trying to do it in a very short time? Or are you just trying to buy your first stock, and want to see it double or triple quickly? Well that’s not what we’re […]

Which is Better – SPY or an Equal Weight S&P 500 ETF?

Lately there has been a lot of talk about ETF investing and how flawed some of the strategies can be, so I really wanted to take a little bit of a deep dive to see if this was true or not. The biggest issue I hear is that so many S&P 500 ETFs are weighted […]

How Compounding Dividends Make the “Secret Sauce” of the Stock Market

Post updated: 6/16/2023 The sweetest source of returns in the stock market are compounding dividends. To generate serious wealth from investing, you need compound interest; and dividends provide you with the best of it. To understand this magic, you must understand the power of compound interest. In this post, we will discuss: It’s a lot […]

Tesla and Apple Did It – Is it Time for a Google Stock Split?

Stock splits are a really unique thing nowadays and with so many companies doing it lately, it makes me wonder if it’s also time for a Google stock split. First off – what even is a stock split? A stock split is simply when a company decides that they’re going to split the total shares […]

How to Make Money with Stocks by Understanding Risk vs. Reward

Myth #8 that Tony Robbins outlines in his book is that “You gotta take huge risks to get big rewards”. I’m sure that many of you have heard a phrase very similar to this, but is it true? Let’s break down the true risk vs. reward of investing in the market! Personally, I love the […]

Franchise Risk: Two Public Failures Explain the Two Sides of the Story

When it comes to franchise risk, there are two sides to the coin—risk for the franchisee and risk for the franchisor. Whether considering operating as a franchisee or investing in a franchisor, it’s important to understand the intricate differences in these risks. To do that, we will look at two examples of franchise risk gone […]

Competitive Advantage: How to Find Sustainable Moats in the Stock Market

“If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson As investors, searching for companies with a competitive advantage continues as a never-ending goal. We all desire to find a company that can last forever, retain its long-term advantage, and grows our wealth. I never tire of […]

What Buybacks King, Henry Singleton, Can Teach Us About Capital Allocation

Before Warren Buffett and his special conglomerate, the compounding machine Berkshire Hathaway, there was a CEO of Teledyne called Henry Singleton—who pioneered prudent capital allocation inside of a conglomerate with stock buybacks and issuance. Henry Singleton was profiled in the excellent book, The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success. In […]

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