3x ETFs – High Risk, High Reward

Recently I read an article in one of my favorite unbiased news publications, the Wall Street Journal, and they talked about triple leveraged ETF and why it was a horrible investment.  Until that time, I had never even heard of these 3x ETFs so it made me curious to learn more about them! First off, […]

Which is Better – Active vs. Passive Income

If you could only choose one, would you choose active or passive income?  I mean, they’re both good because you’re making money, but I’m here to preview this incredible battle of Active vs. Passive Income! The last time that I did a heavyweight matchup like this I was comparing short vs. long-term investing and boy, […]

Safe, Massive Dividend– Why Preferred Equity Stocks Might Be for You!

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll find yourself watching Shark Tank and wondering what certain terms mean that the sharks are using.  Personally, one of the very first terms that I didn’t understand years ago when watching the show, was preferred equity, or preferred stock. I mean, personally, I think I always prefer stock…and […]

The Market Is Crashing! Am I In Danger of a Margin Call Watch?

Recently I wrote an article about investing with margin and honestly, when I was done with all of my research and writing, I actually convinced myself to open a margin account.  While some of the math and numbers behind it certainly can be enticing, the potential for a margin call watch to be placed on […]

This 401k Match Calculator Shows How Powerful Compound Interest Can Be

There’s various compound interest calculators out there, but not many specific 401k match calculators that are easily manipulable to show how different contributions and employers matches can compound. We present an Excel version, or you can simply place your own inputs on the page (scroll to the bottom)! Earlier this week, I made a Compound […]

Investing in a Duopoly Market – Value Play or Value Trap?

If you’re looking for a dominant company with a very strong competitive advantage, it might be easy to name a few different companies out loud, but another way to identify these different companies is to find those that are part of a duopoly market. If you do not know, a duopoly market is one where […]

Apps? Excel? NO – I need a PRINTABLE Budget Planner!

Let’s be real – Mint is a great app for budgeting but does it actually help you budget?  Personally, I got way more from being forced to track my expenses, so that’s why I want to share my printable budget planner! Are you the type of person that hates anything that has to do with […]

Avoid Value Traps by Understanding Various Valuation Multiples by Industry!

One of the hardest things to do when investing is figure out the proper value for a company.  Sure, “buy low, sell high” sounds easy enough, but with differing valuation multiples by industry, it’s not just a blanket process that you can apply to all companies that you look at. When I first started investing, […]

Reason #1 to Invest in the Stock Market? 100 Years of Makin’ Money!

Do you like makin’ money?  That’s what I thought!  Yes, we all do!  And guess what – the stock market has 100 years of history doing nothing but making money for people. At the end of it all, that’s why any of us invest in the stock market.  Sure, we might do it so that […]

Investing With Margin – Is it Risky or Genius?

I recently had a friend start investing with margin and not going to lie, he has had some freaking awesome results with it!  The thought of investing with margin was something that was always terrifying to be but it really made me question this belief.  So, the question is – should we all be investing […]

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