7 Easy & Cheap Grocery List Tips to Keep Your Budget on Track

While I am definitely saving money during the coronavirus, I am spending much, much more on my grocery list!  That’s not necessarily a bad thing though because my total food spending is going down since I am not eating out as much, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t actively target some cheap grocery list […]

The History of the S&P 500 Yield Proves Investing Can Change Your Life

I always talk about the importance of benchmarking your performance vs the index and I really think that doing this with a dividend is no different.  In fact, it’s debatably even more important!  So, that begs to question – what is the S&P 500 yield? A quick google search will show you that the yield […]

Utilize This Free Dividend Payout Calculator to Maximize Your Returns!

Dividend stocks are something that intrigues so many people yet so many people have no idea what to even look for when they’re evaluating those companies.  Personally, I think that the payout ratio is one of the most important ratios to consider, but do you know how to properly use it?  If not, don’t fear, […]

Global Equities Momentum (40y Track Record Outperforming the S&P 500)

Updated 10/12/2023 Did you get tired reading that title?  If so, I’m sorry – but I wanted you to know that this entire article is showing you how Global Equities Momentum (GEM) has absolutely dominated the S&P 500 over a 40-year period. I’ve been reading the book Dual Momentum Investing by Gary Antonacci. I’m finally […]

VHDYX is “Closed to New Investors” – What Do You Do Now?

As you know, Andrew, Dave and I are major dividend lovers!  We all think that dividend paying companies are one of the best ways to reap the rewards of compound interest, but what if you don’t want to invest directly in stocks?  Can you still reap the rewards with an ETF like VHDYX? The reason […]

Don’t Know How to Value a Company? Use These 4 Valuation Ratios

Updated 5/20/2024 One of the hardest things for a new investor is understanding the math of investing and what the different valuation ratios mean. It can be overwhelming, but don’t worry—I’m here to help break it down in a very simple way and will even point you to a tool to get you started on […]

Nothing Kills Relative Momentum Like a Bunch of Bonds in Your Portfolio!

In these next few chapters of ‘Dual Momentum Investing’ by Gary Antonacci, we really start to key in on some of the fundamentals of momentum investing and why it works, specifically with a focus on Relative Momentum, and why bonds can absolutely ruin any potential gains that you’re seeking to gain.. I previously had talked […]

A Look Through 3M (MMM) Dividend History

If you’ve been following my posts at all, you probably see that I cover a lot of different topics, so it should be of absolutely no surprise to you that I am now going in depth on a Dividend KING – let’s check out this 3M dividend history! Sometimes I talk about value investing and […]

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