7 Ways to Prioritize Saving with a Budget Calendar

Have you ever heard of a budget calendar? Personally, I use one nearly every single day of the week and it saves me a ton of time and money, as well as keeping me on track with my budget without physically having to go in and track my expenses every single day.  And not only […]

10 Steps to Building Assets from a Bestselling Book about Money

Kiyosaki is back at it again, this time with 10 steps for any of us to take when we’re building assets!  Now, of course, building assets is incredibly important, but if you’re wondering how to actually identify what an asset might actually look like, I will link back to a previous post on that as […]

Evaluating the Short-Term Liquidity of Businesses During a Crisis

Investing right now is a very scary time with all of the uncertainty that is surrounding the coronavirus.  In a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, Andrew and Dave opened up the floor to answer some listener questions and there’s one that I really wanted to focus on that discussed the short-term liquidity […]

Mount Rushmore of the Greatest Fundamental Investors in the Stock Market

Everything that Andrew and Dave preach on the podcast, and something that I have learned from them and quickly adopted, is the importance of understanding the numbers when investing so that we can be disciplined fundamental investors. I mean, Andrew and Dave have really coined the term to “invest with a margin of safety, emphasis […]

What is the Ideal Investing Timeframe? Long vs Short!

Coming out of the right corner, we have the newcomer, the up and coming, short-term investments, all set to face the current heavyweight champion of the world, long-term investments!  This is going to be an epic battle for the ages, so who is going to win – long vs short! Everyone knows that investing for […]

The History of Stock Market Volatility in the United States

I’m going to need you to buckle your seatbelts and get ready…this is going to be an extremely bumpy ride as I take you through the history of the major periods of stock market volatility that we have experienced in the last 100 years!  So, with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! […]

Economy 101: The Fed, Money Supply, Debt, Inflation, and Deflation

I am now a few years into my investing journey and while I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what sort of quantitative and qualitative data I should be looking for in a company, it dawned on me that I don’t have as good of a grasp of just high-level economic data […]

Why the Financially Literate Can’t Build Wealth: 5 Major Reasons

Updated 1/17/2024 Understanding finance basics doesn’t mean you’ll instantly begin building wealth. There are still several attributes that can lead you to fall short of your financial goals. Personally, the best way for me to learn is with specific guidelines and a plan of action.  I know that not everybody learns best this way, but […]

10 Bagger: The Term Coined by Legendary Investor Peter Lynch

Have you ever heard of a 10 bagger?  If not, it’s because you’ve never had one!! Don’t worry, neither have I…yet!  I am destined to get there someday, hopefully sooner than later, but it’s all about sticking to the process! So, what exactly is a 10 bagger?  Well, it’s simple – it’s simply a stock […]

Don’t Work for Money and You’ll Become Rich, says Rich Dad

One of the most important lessons that Robert Kiyosaki teaches in his best-selling book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, he tells us how important it is that we don’t work for money.  If you’re like me, this instantly seems contradictory, but the more that I read the book and heard the lesson over and over, I […]

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