What is a Form 8-K? The Beginner Investor’s Guide

Have you ever seen a form 8-K?  Chances are, the answer is no, unless you have been investing for a little while and paying close attention to a specific stock(s).  You’ve likely heard of a 10-K and a 10-Q before, which are much more common and more important to you as an investor, but that’s […]

What the Sinking Fund Formula Is – How it Can Help You Save Money

Have you ever heard of the sinking fund formula before?  To be honest, I hadn’t but it was something that I had used before without even knowing that it had an official name!  And if I was a guessing man, which I am, I am guessing that if you are even little bit as infatuated […]

The Surprising Disadvantages of a Savings Account (A Secret of the Rich)

A lot of people will think that the best place for their money to be is in a savings account, but that’s just not accurate, and quite frankly, it actually makes me very sad.  In the most recent chapter that I’ve read in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, […]

How to Use the Doctor Budget Tool to Set Your Finances Straight

Recently, I was fortunate to be invited on the Investing for Beginners Podcast and talk about my personal finance experiences and introduce Doctor Budget to the world! It was a very surreal feeling for me to be on the podcast as the podcast was legitimately the avenue that got me into investing a couple of […]

Market Bottom Indicators Based on Past Bear Markets

If you are a human, you’re likely wondering when the heck is, we going to get to the bottom of this bear market, and I don’t blame you, because every sane person should be wondering this.  Don’t worry – I’ve gone through the trouble fun of looking at some of the past bear markets to […]

Investing is Fun!! – The Data Shows It’s Getting Very Popular Too

Is investing fun to you?  If not, you’re doing it wrong.  Honestly, the investing fun that I have is legitimately indescribable.  I know, I know – I sound super nerdy by saying that, but I am legitimately serious.  It’s fine if you don’t feel this way too – maybe I can convince you ? When […]

An Example Starter Emergency Fund to Get You Through the Next Crisis

Now is as timely as ever to discuss the importance of an Emergency Fund, and if you don’t have one currently and are wondering how you can get one going, don’t worry – I’ll show you how to begin your starter Emergency Fund. First off, what is an Emergency Fund?  An Emergency Fund is just […]

Personal Financial Planning Means Tracking EVERYTHING – How to Do it

The reason that I started writing blogs for the Investing for Beginners Website is because I think that there is a major gap between financial literacy for the common person and the financial goals that the common person might have.  A lot of times the answer is to get a financial planner, but I am […]

How to Identify a Cash Flow Pattern of an Asset (from Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

As I continue to read through Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I must say that it’s becoming one of my favorite books and admittedly a book that I read much earlier in my investing and finance journey.  In this chapter, Robert Kiyosaki focuses on explaining the differences between assets and liabilities and the true cash flow […]

How Benchmarking Performance to an Index Keeps Investors Rational

Have you ever heard the saying that “anyone can be a genius in a bull market?”  Well, it’s true, if you’re not benchmarking performance of your portfolio.  Not benchmarking your portfolio can really cause some major issues if you’re not careful and will have some major, long-term negative effects on your portfolio. So, what even […]

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