Dividend Aristocrats are OVERRATED! Check Out This Dividend Kings List!

Chances are that you have heard of Dividend Aristocrats before and chances are that you have been told that they are the bees’ knees.  Well, maybe they are, but if you want to know what the bees’ brain, arms, legs and feet are, check out this Dividend Kings List! First off, what even are Dividend […]

Start Investing Now, Because Even Small Investments Add Up!

One of the most common excuses that I hear for why people don’t invest is because they don’t have enough money to do it.  Well, excuse me, but that is just bogus, especially in today’s investing world!  I implore you to start investing now because even small investments add up – and the data shows […]

Tracking Insider Trading through Online Filings (and if it means a Buy)

Insider trading?  Isn’t that a bad thing?  Well, turns out that it’s not always a bad thing and that tracking insider trading can actually lead to some great buying opportunities! This is a topic that stemmed from a listener question that Andrew and Dave addressed on the podcast and I think it would be good […]

Debunking 9 of the Top Investing Myths That Beginners Believe

Updated – 11/3/23 Did you know that the #1 reason that people don’t invest is because they’re terrified that Handy Andy’s returns will make their returns look abysmal?  JK – that’s a myth…well, actually a lie.  But we do see some investors fall victim to other top investing myths. So let’s look at 9 myths […]

Your Behavioral Finance Tendencies are why Momentum Investing Works

If you’ve been following along with my posts lately, you know that I am getting in deep with understanding Momentum Investing because it really sparked my interest from a few podcasts that I listened to.  In the last few chapters of Dual Momentum Investing, Gary Antonacci, author of the book, tells us that Momentum Investing […]

Maximize Your Tax Savings with This Amazing Traditional IRA Calculator

401k’s are OLD NEWS!  Kidding…kinda…not really.  Personally, I am a huge fan of the IRA and think that everyone should be utilizing them whenever they can.  But even if you are, are you on track for your retirement?  Only one way to tell – a Traditional IRA Calculator! First, let’s talk about what an IRA […]

15 Years to Retirement – Stretch it to 20? Invest in the Stock Market?

On Episode 156 of the Investing for Beginners Podcast Andrew and Dave did another one of my favorite episodes of listener question and a great topic came up.  Someone had 15 years to retirement and they were wondering what if they should DRIP their investments or if they were too late to the party.  I […]

Top Investment Publications for Serious Stock Pickers (It’s a Short List!)

If you listened to Episode 154 of the Investing for Beginners Podcast and you’re anything like me, some of the things that Andrew and Dave might’ve hit you pretty hard.  Since COVID-19 has really been in full effect, I have found myself avoiding the news and in turn has left me seeking for some legitimate […]

Top Financial Twitter Accounts to Follow for the ‘Roaring’ 2020s

If you’re like me, which I hope that you are not for your own sake, then you get most of your worldly information from Twitter.  For better or for worse, that also includes any investing information, so let me share my favorite top financial twitter accounts! I’ve previously talked about some awesome Instagram accounts, YouTube […]

Value Shmalue – Welcome to Dual Momentum Investing! (Ch. Review)

Lately I’ve been taking a deep dive momentum stocks and I have going down a major momentum stock rabbit hole since then, so I figured, why not do my next book review on momentum stocks?  Well, sure enough, if you Google “best momentum investing books” then ‘Dual Momentum Investing’ comes up, so let’s go with […]

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