Inheritance Investing Considerations for the Young Investor

A listener to the IFB podcast recently was asking for some advice on investing inheritance money and some good tips and things to think about. Andrew and Dave shared their thoughts on the show, which you can also listen to below. Having listened to the episode, and being a young investor myself, I have some […]

Investor’s Checklist of What Not to do According to Phil Fisher

Similar, but in the complete opposite of my most recent blog about Phillip Fisher’s 15 Points to Look for in a Common Stock, Fisher also outlines a list of 10 “do nots” when it comes to an investor’s checklist between Chapters 8 & 9 in his extremely popular book, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits.  I’ve […]

Sample Earnings Per Share Analysis on the FANG Stocks

An Earnings Per Share analysis is one of the most common ways that investors will attempt to evaluate a stock.  My goal for this post is to make you THE Earnings Per Share expert so that you can run your own Earnings Per Share Analysis.  Earnings Per Share, or EPS, is a very easy ratio […]

Philip Fisher’s 15 Points for Picking a Stock – Chapter 3 Summary

Philip Fisher, author of Uncommon Stocks and Uncommon Profits, boils down his investment research into 15 key points in Chapter 3 of his book, Uncommon Stocks and Uncommon Profits.  Not all of these are required for him to purchase the stock, but he does think that the company should check a large majority of these […]

The Top Stock Analysis Tools for the Average Investor in 2019

In one of the recent Investing for Beginners Podcast episodes (Episode 117), Andrew and Dave breakdown some extremely useful Stock Analysis Tools that they have used and would recommend that you use when evaluating stocks as well.  One tool is something that I use quite frequently, on a weekly basis or more, while the other […]

An Honest Stash App Review for the Average Investor

Are you new into investing and looking for a way to start investing your money?  Well, look no further.  I go pretty in depth with this Stash Review, so you can understand the ins and outs of the app. Personally, I think that Stash is a fantastic app for the beginning investor that really helps […]

What Investors Can Learn from a Possible Amazon Stock Split

Amazon stock split?  What the heck.  “Hey, I have some AMZN stock, don’t split mine in half!”  Was that you just now?  If so, take a deep breath, it’s going to be OK.  That’s not what we mean when we say stock split! Let’s first start off by saying what a stock split even is… […]

Is Decreasing Term Life Insurance a Good Policy for You?

DECREASING term life insurance? That sounds backwards, right? WRONG! Not too long ago I wrote a post about term life insurance that really explained some great things about it.  Term life insurance can be a great tool as long as you are using it for the right purposes, which I fully outline here.  But have […]

Dealing with Investor Buyer’s Remorse after Your Stock Drops

Have you ever bought a stock, and instantly had buyer’s remorse as you saw it fall in price? Well in a recent episode of The Investing for Beginners Podcast, co-hosts Andrew and Dave fielded a question from a listener who had to deal with just that. After buying a stock and seeing it fall, the […]

7 House Hunting Checklist Items to Lower the Cost of Your Mortgage

As a recent first-time home buyer, I have learned (some proactively and some the hard way) some quick tips to that will help you save on the cost of your mortgage.  A lot of obvious things might be “lower your APR” or “put more than 20% down,” which are great, but not always realistic.  So, […]

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