How to Open an Investment Account for a Child

I talk a lot about the power of compound interest and how time in the market is better than timing the market, and I feel like I’ve shown some good examples, I really outline a great example in this post that shows the value of investing early and why you should start as early as […]

Stash vs. Acorns: Side-by-Side Investing Apps Comparison

Not long ago, I wrote an article really breaking down everything that you might want to know about the Stash app .  As I was writing the article, a lot of the benefits of Stash sounded like a popular app called Acorns, so I really wanted to break down the two different applications and do […]

The Requirements and Steps to Using a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA

Chances are, you might be familiar with the term ‘Backdoor Roth IRA’, but what if I told you that there was a MEGA Backdoor Roth IRA?  WOAH!  Doesn’t that sound just so much better?  I’m having flashbacks to middle school where everything I described started with mega, super, enormous, or another adjective where you were […]

An Honest Stash App Review for the Average Investor

Are you new into investing and looking for a way to start investing your money?  Well, look no further.  I go pretty in depth with this Stash Review, so you can understand the ins and outs of the app. Personally, I think that Stash is a fantastic app for the beginning investor that really helps […]

Is Decreasing Term Life Insurance a Good Policy for You?

DECREASING term life insurance? That sounds backwards, right? WRONG! Not too long ago I wrote a post about term life insurance that really explained some great things about it.  Term life insurance can be a great tool as long as you are using it for the right purposes, which I fully outline here.  But have […]

7 House Hunting Checklist Items to Lower the Cost of Your Mortgage

As a recent first-time home buyer, I have learned (some proactively and some the hard way) some quick tips to that will help you save on the cost of your mortgage.  A lot of obvious things might be “lower your APR” or “put more than 20% down,” which are great, but not always realistic.  So, […]

CD vs. Savings Account: Which will make you wealthier?

There is a time and a place for a Certificate of Deposit (CD) and there is a time and a place for a high-yield savings account.  In all actuality, the two are very similar but they do have some distinct differences that can drastically impact which is most beneficial for you.  I personally view a […]

Wealth Accumulation in Action in the Stock Market (with practical examples)

Winning in the stock market requires the right wealth accumulation mindset, and ironically, most people who build wealth successfully do it with great help from the stock market. So today, let’s consider how most people think about accumulating wealth, and how you should do it, by… Tracking the right wealth accumulation metrics Finding the right […]

How the College Investor Has a HUGE Compounding Advantage!!

When it comes to money, sometimes young adults don’t realize just how lucky they have it. By becoming a college investor rather than a “young professional” investor, a huge (life-changing) amount of money can be made. Just because of the great compounding effects of a few years added by starting early. Contributor Andy Shuler wants […]

Cost of Debt Calculator for Stocks and Personal Finances (Excel)

The Cost of Debt that a company has is essentially how efficient a company is at paying off their debt. Having a cost of debt calculator such as the one presented in this post can be a valuable tool towards learning which stocks have better debt situations than others, and can have stronger long term financial […]

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