Realty Income (O) Dividend History: Monthly Income, Long Track Record

Realty Income Co (O) is a company that has a really strong focus on providing dividend value to their shareholders, and honestly, I see the stock mentioned all the time among dividend communities.  So, it really made me think – what does the O dividend history really look like? One of my biggest issues with […]

The History of the S&P 500 Yield Proves Investing Can Change Your Life

I always talk about the importance of benchmarking your performance vs the index and I really think that doing this with a dividend is no different.  In fact, it’s debatably even more important!  So, that begs to question – what is the S&P 500 yield? A quick google search will show you that the yield […]

A Look Through 3M (MMM) Dividend History

If you’ve been following my posts at all, you probably see that I cover a lot of different topics, so it should be of absolutely no surprise to you that I am now going in depth on a Dividend KING – let’s check out this 3M dividend history! Sometimes I talk about value investing and […]

A Look Through Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Dividend History

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) has been increasing their dividend for many, many years!  In fact, that have increased it for 57 consecutive years, and as they’re a member of the S&P 500, that also makes them one of the sacred Dividend Aristocrats that we talk about oh so often!  If you stay tuned, I’ll show […]

Investing is Fun!! – The Data Shows It’s Getting Very Popular Too

Is investing fun to you?  If not, you’re doing it wrong.  Honestly, the investing fun that I have is legitimately indescribable.  I know, I know – I sound super nerdy by saying that, but I am legitimately serious.  It’s fine if you don’t feel this way too – maybe I can convince you ? When […]

How to Find Historical P/E Ratios for Any Stock

Post updated: 9/07/2023 Price/Earnings ratios, or P/E’s, are a good ratio to give you a quick snapshot of the company’s cost.  But with that being said, doesn’t it make you question the historical P/E ratios for that company as well? For instance, it’s good to understand that the P/E ratio of a company is 15, […]

Stock Market Data on the January Effect: Is it a Reliable Indicator?

Have you heard of the January Effect before?  The January Effect is a very common topic this time of year in the investing world where people claim that the best performing month in any single year is January.  In other words, the market is going to have the greatest return in January than it would […]

CSCO Dividend – Will its Rising Dividend Make it a Future Aristocrat?

Cisco (CSCO) implemented their first dividend back in April of 2011, which really isn’t that long ago if you really think about it.  Back then, the first annual CSCO dividend was $.24, a modest $.06/quarter.  Although it doesn’t sound like much, for a shareholder of a company that wasn’t receiving a dividend at all, it […]

A History of the HRL Dividend and Where it Could Go from Here

Have you ever heard of Hormel (HRL) before? Hormel is very well known in the grocery store space, but they’re equally, and maybe even more so, well known for an extremely impressive HRL dividend throughout the years.  Chances are that you have even if it isn’t ringing a bell for you right now.  Hormel is […]

Data that Reveals the Best Performing Growth Factors (Historically)

Not going to lie – the title of this article is so good that it almost seems like clickbait, am I right? Good news for you – it’s not!  I am going to continue through my book review of ‘What Works on Wallstreet’ and go through Chapter 19 to identify how to find the most […]

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