12 Important KPIs to Analyze a Bank

Analyzing a bank’s stock requires a multifaceted approach. It focuses on the bank’s financial health, market value, and dividend performance. This analysis can reveal insights about the bank. It covers its efficiency and whether the bank can handle economic ups and downs and provide value to shareholders. We will equip you with a structured methodology […]

The Limitations of The P/E Ratio

If you have learned basic stock analysis, odds are you have learned the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E). A simple equation you can build for any company, the P/E tells you what multiple a stock is trading at compared to its current earnings power. It gives you a quick snapshot of how investors are valuing a business. […]

Publicly Traded Waste Management Industry Report: Autumn 2023 Results

According to their latest earnings releases, the Autumn earnings results of the Top 4 Publicly Traded Waste Management companies by YoY revenues increased by 5% in the July-September quarter. Of the publicly traded Waste Management companies that released Autumn 2023 earnings results, one leads the list and increased their YoY revenues by 9.8%, which is […]

Biggest Publicly Traded Spirits Industry Report 2023 Results

Recent 2023 earnings results of the Top 6 Biggest Publicly Traded Spirits Industry companies increased LTM revenues by 7% on average across the board according to their latest earnings releases. Of the publicly traded Spirits Industry companies who released 2023 earnings results so far, the following top 6 companies by market cap increased revenues by 7% LTM […]

Publicly Traded Truckload Freight Industry Report: Autumn 2023 Results

Recent Autumn earnings results of the Top 5 Publicly Traded Truckload Freight companies by Q/Q Revenues decreased by -9% on average across the board in the July-September quarter, according to their latest earnings releases. Of the publicly traded Truckload Freight companies who released Autumn 2023 earnings results, the following top 5 companies by market cap […]

Publicly Traded Home Builders Report: Autumn 2023 Results

Publicly available financial data collected by investment newsletter provider Sather Research, LLC showed that five Publicly Traded Home Builders by Market Cap grew Total Revenues on average Over 3.85% Q/Q in the July to September quarter, according to Latest Earnings Releases. Of the top publicly traded home builders who released autumn 2023 earnings results, the following five companies grew […]

Publicly Traded Analog Semiconductor Industry Report: Autumn 2023 results

Latest Autumn earnings results of the Top 5 Publicly Traded Analog Semiconductor companies by Q/Q Revenues were mixed across the board, with some decreasing significantly while one remained almost flat in the July-September quarter, according to their latest earnings releases. Of the publicly traded Analog Semiconductor companies who released Autumn 2023 earnings results, two companies […]

Publicly Traded Life Sciences Industry Report: Autumn 2023 Results

Recent Autumn earnings showed that the Top 5 Publicly Traded Life Science tool companies by market cap decreased total revenues -4.37% YOY in the July – September Quarter, according to Latest Earnings Releases. Of the publicly traded Life Science tool companies who released earnings results, the following top 5 companies decreased revenues -4.37% YOY on average: Thermo Fisher, Danaher, Merck KGaA, […]

Publicly Traded Analog Semiconductor Industry Report: Summer 2023 results

Recent Summer earnings results of the Top 5 Publicly Traded Analog Semiconductor companies by Q/Q Revenues were mixed across the board, however, we saw increasing revenues on average 2.2% YOY in the June-August quarter, according to their latest earnings releases. Of the publicly traded Analog Semiconductor companies who released Summer 2023 earnings results, two companies […]

Publicly Traded Life Sciences Industry Report: Summer 2023 Results

Latest Summer earnings showed that the Top 5 Publicly Traded Life Science tool companies by market cap decreased total revenues -5.22% YOY in the June – August Quarter, According to Latest Earnings Releases. Of the publicly traded Life Science tool companies who released earnings results, the following top 5 companies decreased revenues -5.22% YOY on average: Thermo Fisher, Danaher, Merck KGaA, […]

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