Understanding Run Rate and Applying it to Your Stock Investing Strategy

The term “Run Rate” is one that you quite possibly might have heard before, but many people do not know what it means. It is a term that frequently is said on shows like Shark Tank but also oftentimes used in the business world. Essentially, run rate means that you’re taking the current market conditions […]

Which is Better – SPY or an Equal Weight S&P 500 ETF?

Lately there has been a lot of talk about ETF investing and how flawed some of the strategies can be, so I really wanted to take a little bit of a deep dive to see if this was true or not. The biggest issue I hear is that so many S&P 500 ETFs are weighted […]

Want to Retire Early? You Better Understand the Importance of Investments!

If you’re even thinking about retiring early, or really even retiring at all, then the importance of investments absolutely cannot be understated.  If you’re struggling to see how investing can play into your ability to retire early then don’t worry – I am here to help! I personally know people that have piles and piles […]

Tesla and Apple Did It – Is it Time for a Google Stock Split?

Stock splits are a really unique thing nowadays and with so many companies doing it lately, it makes me wonder if it’s also time for a Google stock split. First off – what even is a stock split? A stock split is simply when a company decides that they’re going to split the total shares […]

How to Make Money with Stocks by Understanding Risk vs. Reward

Myth #8 that Tony Robbins outlines in his book is that “You gotta take huge risks to get big rewards”. I’m sure that many of you have heard a phrase very similar to this, but is it true? Let’s break down the true risk vs. reward of investing in the market! Personally, I love the […]

I am BROKE! How much can you make from stocks in a month?!

I oftentimes am asked by people how much you can make from stocks in a month?  Truthfully, it’s a question that scares me a lot because I instantly think that the type of people that ask that sort of question might be looking at investing in stocks as some sort of “get rich quick” scheme […]

Ready to Start Investing? Start with These Investment Company Names!

In today’s world, it can seem very overwhelming to find the perfect brokerage company to begin your investing journey with. Not only am I going to give you a comprehensive look of the many investment company names that you have to choose from, but I will rank them based on my experience and 3rd party […]

5 Tips to Make Your Food Budget Work For You!

Updated 1/18/2024 One of the biggest mistakes that I see with people is that they lack a food budget. Honestly, that is mind-blowing to me because food is usually people’s third-largest expense behind their housing and transportation expenses, and quite frequently, it can even be the second-largest expense! Personally, I aspire to be in a […]

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